The endangered 2 stroke


May 23, 2002
Spent some time choosing between the KDX 200 and the XR250r, bought the KDX. Was this a mistake? The bike is incredible, no regrets there, but are the bureaucrats trying to ban the 2 stroke engine? After reading a few posts on DRN I'm concerned. Very hard to believe, I can remember when the lawnmowers were under attack, and even the outboard engines were given a scare - still no word on thier demise. Is this dilema fueled by the 4 stroke community or should I heed the warnings. Pennsylvania is a long way from California, should I worry, or should I ride.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
To quote MSR...

"Shut up and ride."


In all honesty, why waste time and energy worrying about it? The only state I know of that really gives riders a hard time is Cali and even they are still allowing 2-strokes in some areas.


May 31, 2002
There won't be a 2-stroke ban until 2006. Even then, it's a production ban. You will still be able to ride them, just not buy them.


Nov 8, 2001
ban my ...eye .rvguy said it,i'm in ny a orv hater too just ride bud .just tell the greenies we're gonna roost n romp long after the buzzards give u a chomp lol. btw i'de let em take it same time i give up my guns....never


Mar 25, 2002
There won't be a 2-stroke ban until 2006. Even then, it's a production ban. You will still be able to ride them, just not buy them.

Actually under the propsosed EPA ban, you will be able to buy them new, its just everything from 2006 on will be considered a new bike under the EPA's rules. All 2 strokes from 2005 to whenever they were invented will still be legal as trail bikes, enduro bikes, street bikes, and motocross bikes.
Really what is being banned is recreational bike, small siplacement play bikes and ATV's.
Starting in 2006 competition-only bikes will only be allowed on race tracks. If you are caught on public land you could be ticketed.
What will probably happen is starting in 2007(when the EPA regulations actually go into effect, because the EPA will give all manufactures one year to comply with the new rules) is all the major manuf. will keep making 2 strokes with new graphics but no new modifications. A lot like the KDX, what do you know!
Keep in mind that these are proposed rules and they may never even go into effect.
I pretty much got all this information from Motocross Action magazine.(March edition, page 46)


Jan 28, 2002
AND, as soon as they have "eliminated" the 2-stroke, they will go after the 4-strokes. They WILL find some form of pollutant be it chemical, auditory, or visual, that will allow it's demise also. IT's not the engine type they want , it's any and all forms of motorized transportation. Incrementalism is the only way that they can pass this nonsense because we're all thinking that we will just switch to 4-strokes when we lose our 2-strokes. What are we gonna do when they came after the 4s ?? Of course, they'll "allow" a few " pollution free" 4s to be marketed but they'll be so overweight and overpriced with all of the mandated equipment that we might as well find another sport. WAKE UP NOW


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Doomsdayers! Don't let the greenie bum wipes get your dander up. Ride your two-stroker. The greenies just pick on us because we are relatively a small group with little financial and political power and a personal and specialized interest in our hobby/sport. You don't see them going after the airlines, railroads and transport companies do you? How about NASCAR? I wonder how much pollution is spewn forth at a 500 mile race? Imagine how much more pollution is caused every day by jets and semis. I thought about that while I was sitting in Phoenix at the airport admiring that nice brown sky. Don't think for a minute that our little puny two-stroke motors are even making a fraction of a percent of that smog. On an average day of riding, I burn about three to four gallons of gas. I burn more than that in my truck on the way to work in the morning!

My next bike will be a 426f OR 450f, but you can rest assured I will still have my two-strokers for a long, long time! :)


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
You go RoosteR! I'll just have to buy another KDX the last year they make them "new". Perhaps in a few years I'll retire to a YZ450, for now I'll keep on rolling down the trials keeping a careful eye on legislation and voting even more carefully!


May 31, 2002
Crashburn36, stop reading Motocross Magazine! Why do you think all the snowmobile and outboard engine manufacturers are bustin' a nut to come out with performance four strokes? As of 2006, two strokes will not be available. With the YZF's and CRF's doing as well as they are, two strokes will be obsolete by 2006.


Mar 25, 2002

If you read my post closely, my point was that they were going to ban 2 stokes except in closed circuit competition in 2006. I just forgot to mention the fact that they would replace them with four strokes. I would look for Kawi to come out with a new 4 stroke in 2004, or would that be a Suzuki?


Jun 18, 2002

Hell yeah. I am gonna get a 2003 Cannondale (Not sure what model), but I will always ride my RM250. A 4 stroke can never equal the pep of a 2 stroke. You cna have my 2 stroke when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers hahaha!


Jun 18, 2002

You think you're pissed? Try having a bunch of stark raving mad fools trying to take your only means of protection (From them no less!)
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