The Greens don't just attack us...LMAO

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
What an idiot!
You really expect one of them to write

"And they chop their little fingers off, and their nuggets(where are the nuggets on a chicken anyway) , cook them and feed them to the kids"


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Moreover, what do we really know about the kinds of ties chickens living together in the chicken houses might or might not have formed among or between themselves in the course of six weeks or a year or two?
Right! Like when ol' Foghorn Leghorn over there asked Miss Prissy to marry him! I can't believe we can't let them continue their life of blissful matrimony!

Doofuses . . . :silly:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Isn't this why KFC developed a headless, featherless, clawless, (souless?) chicken?

Honda Rider

Oct 1, 2001
Okay, I'm positive. That was the stupidest letter ever written. Comparing chickens to the Sept. 11 tradgedy is freaking insane. They're chickens!!! I mean what the heck is going on inside that person's mind. My guess is it's some fat girl who got picked on a lot in highschool. Her only friend was a chicken and now she feels she needs to voice herself on how she's in love with chickens or something. I think that's sad that someone would think that chickens are "terrorized" Farmers grow them for the sole purpose of eggs, or killing them for food. I suppose now that KFC is a giant terrorist organization out to get chickens. Lol, get a life!!!!!:silly:
Oct 22, 2000
Sounds like my Stupid, Veggie, Cousin in Denmark!

That letter was just further proof that the "Veggie Only" crowd:confused: have a few screws loose and do not possess the power to reason (that little skill that comes naturally to those who "Chaw on MEAT")! I thought I'd die laughing.:)

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