
Jul 25, 2006
My wife said just yesterday ( quote; I'll be glad when your done spending money on that bike. unquote) :|

Ball and chain stories, BRING EM ON


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
I have found it to be prudent not to put in writing anything pertaining to irratations from that significant other. It has a tendency to haunt you.

One thing you need to do, is to gently "break her in", evidently your being "trained" and not doing the training. Slowly let her know that it's a toss up between AIR and Dirt bikes. eventually she will understand. If not, get a bed set up in the garage.

better yet buy her a bike. that has worked here.................damit, now i broke my own rule.



Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Yep the old ball and chain in our house has been looking at the upcoming race schedule and saying "only 3 weeks and we are back out there again" Gotta say Spider trained her pretty good (even though she did say no new bikes until at there is at least 1 less in the garage and it didn't work moving one into the trailer :coocoo: )


Aug 21, 2005
My lovely wife knows that I frequent this message board, and has the ability to read what I post, so if I had any derogatory statements to add, I would not be so foolish.

Actually, she is very supportive of the hobby, and encourages me to spend the money to ensure that the bikes run like they should, and the gear does it's job and protects us. In fact, I believe that I am supposed to invest in a better pair of boots in the near future, but I have been instructed to not tell her how much I pay for them. She also wants me to get body armor for the boy (if only EVS made what I want in his size).

She also enjoys hanging out in the shed and watching me work on the bikes, am I lucky or what???

jim f.

Mi. Trail Riders
Jul 2, 2005
FRUDADDY you are lucky. But I will say this my wife used to go to the races and cheer for me but that was 30 years ago.


Jan 30, 2000
I told my X that it was "me, my bike, my cat, then her" - that conversation went downhill pretty rapidly and when she rehashed it some time later by saying "I'm tired of being number 3", before I could stop myself I said "you're number 4 actually".

Yeah, I'm a tough guy to love/put up with.

:aj: :aj:


Aug 21, 2005
SpeedyManiac said:
Frudaddy, what's the trick to finding (or training) a girl like that?
It's called luck, and a lot of it, plus we've been together for quite some time (I found her early). First, find one that hasn't been programmed by the general public (motorcycles=bad is part of the programming).

She even likes to take credit for me getting into bikes in the first place, because one day she came home and said that she wanted me to get a street bike so she could ride on the bike. Little did she know, that I had been planning to get a bike since I was 5, I was just waiting for the right time.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
We love ya' Kiwi!

My little wife is pretty tolorant of my riding and riding buddies. Heck it's not just anyone that would go sit in a parking lot 7 hours before a SX with the likes of Okie, AJ, Thump, B?, BigLou, Taraker, Grady, and the like. She actually looks forwad to the SX and especially DirtWeek! She didn't even dabble with riding until the last one and now I get her out on "her" XR80 pink helmet and all once in a while.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Let me tell you about my wife. Met her some 27 years ago at redbud,even got a good luck kiss and promptly smoked 250b on a national weekend! Married 12-24-81. The loudest fan at the track. 6 months pregnant,at redbud again,first one to run across their infield to peel my son off the face of the leap,Ryan you can not do the leap on an 80,came up about 15 feet short! Well now she is the one carrying healthcare for us by slaving at whitecastles and we hate it. MX for Ryan and once in a while for Dave and very supportive of Dave's death metal band and my daughter and her rotc stuff,16 and I will get her going on a 125 soon! We first met I taught my wife to ride and she has been content over the years being spectating mom. Wanda I love you forever,but damn't get a bike! No secrets just understanding and commitment.


Mar 27, 2005
I had "tested the water" a fair amount, so when my now wife was coming in the dealership I worked at 26 years ago to buy Yamalube for her DT 250, I shoved people out of the way so I could wait on her! Pretty; smart (electrical engineer at Bendix,) and mostly unattached. No brainer, really! I made a few mistakes along the way & scared myself thinking I may have blown it, but she is forgiving to boot!

I count my blessings much more frequently than I count my bikes! And she is an awesome mother to the girls, to boot!
Like I say, better to be lucky than good, but both is better! :cool: :ride: :nod:


"Team Army"
Dec 9, 1999
There must have been something in the water(Little Calumet River) right Bob!!
The ole lady came thru the garage just the other day stopped,looked at me and said "Where did that KX come from"??
"Ahhh, Andy Stacy decided to sponsor me this year,he needed a rider in +50"*
Hummmmmm sure he did.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
She dosen't care about the Maico, she's been around long enough to know it'll sit most of the time, and besides she knows that if she's mean I wont take her for rides on her bike, the Harley Davidson Ultra Classic
*partially true he did give me a great deal :)


Dec 4, 2006
She also enjoys hanging out in the shed and watching me work on the bikes, am I lucky or what???
hello, Fru... time to wake up, your dreaming :nod:
Not... good for you, I've been "told next time you can't get that bike back into the trailer yourself I'm selling it"... I now lock it up every night and tell my son if I ever make another trip to the ER he's got to get the KX to the trailer and lock it down. It's a shame when your not worried about thieves... rather your wife. Love her... been 20 years and going strong.


Feb 15, 2007
Hmmm can't say we have any problems here. I go riding and I've shown my husband how to ride. He has never been on a bike before. He doesn't go too fast or do any jumps but he does have fun. I love it. I do however get the 3rd degree from his dad about ' bikes are dangerous , I don't want you to ride ' and stuff like that. I told him , I will ride and always ride because It's my hobby and I love it. He just says in return ' just don't get hurt ' he knows he can't win this conversation. lol. I love my bike and won't give up my bike. noway! Whatever my bike needs or whatever we need we just go out and buy it. No complaints , EVER!!


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
My Ball and Chain is always trying to get me to spend more on my bike and to go ride more. However it's from a deep guilt! Until you have a wife with horses, 2 kids with horses you will never know how cheap motorcycles are!

In comparison to sport horses, bikes are a wellfare sport and thus her guilt, and me working to pay for it all and not having time to ride :whoa:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Well this is an interesting thread.

For those of you that don't know, my husband (Rooster) was a member of DRN before me. He already knew Papakeith and just never knew he'd be his father-in-law a couple of years down the road. We met at Dirtweek '03 after he picked my bike up for me and got it running again after I went down in the muddy hairpin turn in the woods.

Now we're a team - we work on our bikes together, ride together, prepare for rides together, etc... it's really awesome to have a hobby like this in common so we can spend so much time together enjoying our hobby.

Thanks PK - if it wasn't for you I never would've ridden a dirtbike in the first place!


Jan 27, 2000
SpeedyManiac said:
Frudaddy, what's the trick to finding (or training) a girl like that?

The trick is picking the right one from the beginning. :cool:

Before I met my wife, I had a very serious girlfriend. We dated for a long time and things were just getting serious when I bought myself a motorcycle. It was a BSA C-15 and I was very proud of it. I rode it over to Kathys house, (we'll call her Kathy because that was her name.) and I was very excited to show it to her and maybe take her for a ride on it.

Well, she took one look at it and said, " I don't like motorcycles or the people that ride them." :fft:

I said, "Ok, see ya." And I left. A few days later she called and wanted to know why I hadn't called her or come over to see her. I told her that if she didn't like people that rode motorcycles then she wouldn't like me. That was the last time I talked to her.

A couple of years later I met my 1st wife. Actually she is my only wife but I like to call her my 1st wife because it keeps her on her toes. ;) I met her at the home of one of my early sponsors. Love at first sight. I offered to take her to a race at Perris. She ran home and told her mom, "MOM, he's taking me to a motorcycle race in Paris this weekend." I hope she wasn't too disappointed when it turned out to be in Perris California.

The first race I took her to was the first race that I ever won. I figured at the time, this one's a keeper. She has followed me all around this great country, sitting in dusty grandstands, sleeping in vans, KOA campgrounds and cheering me on. For the first 15 years of our married life she spent every friday night at Ascot Park in Gardena and most every Sunday at a track supporting me. It's 42 years later and she still comes out and supports our grandson at many of the same tracks that I rode on.

A few weeks ago I was doing a final tune on an old vintage Triumph with open megaphones on it. (Similar to the ones I used to race.) It was sitting in the shop idling, going badump, badump, badump. I looked up and noticed my wife standing there in the doorway to the shop with a big grin on her face. When I shut the Triumph off, she looked at me and said, "God I miss that sound".

God I love that woman. :nod:

BTW, Kathy continued to call my mom for years after I was married. She would talk about her problems with her many husbands and her divorces. Last I saw her was at a class reunion. She was newly divorced and about 250 lbs.
I guess things really do happen for a reason.

Last edited:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
One thing I liked about my ex was how into dirtbikes she was. She didn't ride but she really knew the riders and could tell the difference between a 125 and a 250 just by looking at the pipe.

She even went to the Atlanta SX this year on her own.

Some women are cool like that.



Feb 2, 2000
I have to agree with choosing the right person up front.

When I met my wife I was racing mountain bikes so she started riding mountain bikes with me..

Then I got back into dirt bikes after a 10 year hiatus... So she started riding dirt bikes..

She supports me riding a motorcycle to work every day and to boot between the two of us we have owned 14 motorcycles/quads in the last 10 years...

I am one lucky man.. :cool:


Jul 25, 2006
She somewhat supports me, when I brought the thing home she would not even look at it 2 years ago, I made her go out side and touch it lol. She likes to watch me ride because she knows it gets my motor running elsewhere other than on the seat :boss: , She just doesn't want me to spend no more money on it. She loves to go to the track on race nights and watch.


Mar 4, 2007
she says :blah: ' your too old to be doing that! sell it before it kills you ' to ' I'm tired of seeing you busted up, eather it goes or I go! '

still have em both... :boss:

took longer to secure the kids bike, still have that too... :laugh:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Wife WAS very supportive. Then........within a 2 year period, between my older son and I, we had 3 surgerys, all racing related. How can I call HER a ball and chain?.......seems like WE are the guilty party............truth hurts. I ride slower now........plastic trophys, big woop.


Mar 4, 2007
She dosen't care for it cause she says it isn't safe, ( its not like a broke all my ribs playing foot ball or broke a ankle in baseball...) just got the wind knocked out. what I don't get is in all her protest she will go and watch me when I running amuck in the yard and across the farmers feild despite the unfortune dismount...I don't get it..
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