There goes our track


Sep 22, 2000

I went through the area last summer and can not believe how much growth there is around Avon and Eagle since the last time I saw it.:eek:

I was surprised from your post there is a riding area around there at all.

Adena Cook from the BRC sent me a copy of a letter the other day outlining some points to defend with our own situation here in S.W. Wyoming.

Here is a paragraph from her letter:

"The current situation describes the need for restricting off road travel for OHV's. We advocate managed use and agree that the resource impacts can be greater when trails are created by user's. However, many of these routes have been created in response to a demonstrated need for a desired experience. As the management of an area moves from "Open" to "designated" , preserving that experience is essential. Many/most of these trails must be incorporated into the designated trail system and upgraded to address the resource concerns. You must remember that these "user created" trails were created legally under the open travel designation, and are legal travel routes fulfilling a need. "
By, Adena Cook
BRC Public Lands Director

Granted these are two completely different situations but the concept of a demonstrated need has to carry some weight for your side.

The land ownership issue will have this tied up for years in courts and will end up being a waste of money and efforts.

Play your cards for a new ---LEGAL --area would be my suggestion. :cool:
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