things are definately looking up


Jan 22, 2002
Some of you may know that I have earlier lost my job as a truck mechanic and picked up a part time job being a parts man at a bike/atv/watercraft dealership. My boss likes my work and I have just recently sold my 94 yz250 thru them. cleaned it up nice, brought it in friday morning and sold it saturday afternoon :yeehaw: . well that definately caught the eye of the people at work so I was asked to bring home the used bikes that where traded in and go thru them at my convenience for resale.
My friends are playfully pissed at me because I am having the time of my life at my job. I am truly lucky since it seems that few people can experience that and it was only recently I discovered it!

My main job is being a house husband so my life is dedicated to working around my wife's "career" and my kids schedules so what can be better for dirt biking mechanic than to bring home a bike to my garage and fix it up around my schedule. This is just way too cool! who needs a mid life crisis, the way I see it life is just getting more fun!


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
That is awesome... After 16 years in my field of work, I have lost the passion. I actually dread going to work every day, something I've never experienced before. I like nothing better right now than putzing around in the garage on the bikes and trailer.


Oct 3, 2002
My friends are playfully pissed at me because I am having the time of my life at my job.

Oh stop yer braggin' and get back to work! :moon:


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Hey that's pretty cool Jim! One door closes and two more open...funny how it works that way :)

And while yer at it I'll let you do the winter maintenance on my bikes in your spare time :debil:


Jan 27, 2000
True happiness is finding out what you like to do best and then figure out a way to make a living doing it. :thumb:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Ol'89r
True happiness is finding out what you like to do best and then figure out a way to make a living doing it. :thumb:

I tried that but could not get any investors. It seems they expected me to actually leave the bathroom and be photographed doing it. That went just a little too far for me. I'd rather go blind in private :p



Jan 22, 2002
Smit-dog ,Ol89er,

I always loved being a mechanic I like the challenge,and love the accomplishment of a job well done in that field,but 20 years of being woken up at 3 am to go change a flat tire in the pouring rain or freezing cold on some dark highway got old. The common attitude of the boss going "sowhat that's your job" and the usual making me clock out before I hit 40hrs a week so I couldn't even collect overtime for it just would take the wind out of my sails.

Now I go and do my job and customers THANK me. That is just blowing me away, seeing them smile because they can go riding this weekend is an awesome feeling. Being a part of peoples enjoyment is a whole new life for me . Customers thank me......?....... I mean I thank the customers for their business isn't that the way it is supposed to be me thanking them, but them thanking me back.....?.... that is a hell of a lot better paycheck then what I used to make.

You can drop of the bike anytime and for 6300 I can turn it into a blue 4stroke :laugh:

Ivan maybe you oughta stop at a "bank" and make a deposit

Crim, talking bikes atv's and watercraft IS my job :yeehaw:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by jmics19067
Customers thank me

That is one thing I feel many consumers have forgotten. I know the customer is always right and I am very customer minded even in my business (which does not depend directly on a customer base) but I feel it is very important for everyone to show common courtesy.

For some reason the "customer is always right" slogan has allowed some people to feel "entitled" to above average customer service no matter what they do to the employee.

I personally thank the waitress when she brings a re-fill, thank the guy at the counter for his advice (whether I agree with it or not) and try my best to thank those around me who I work with just for taking the time to help me. I believe by being a quality person that I get much better customer service and it doesn't cost me a thing more than just being nice.

Anyway, sorry but it does bother me to see the way some people act towards the service industry. Just b/c you pay someone does not mean you have the right to treat them poorly.

By the same token when I get treated poorly, lied to or taken advantage of the irate consumer in me comes out strong and I rarely feel guilty b/c I know if they piss me off that much they earned my wrath b/c I try to be courteous the rest of the time.



Jan 22, 2002
yeah its strange, when I was behind the scene in the fleet garage I very rarely seen any courteous people . I was beginning to hate the general population because it seemed people in general are just not polite. I mean hold the door open for someone with there hands full instead of letting it slam in their face was something that appeared to be rare to me. Now I guess because I am seeing people who are getting ready to have fun I am seeing people who are being not as callous or abrupt. Its pretty cool seeing mostly smiles and hearing joking around at work compared to what I used to see.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by Truespode

I'd rather go blind in private :p


:eek: Ivan. Gomer warned us about you. :scream: Said you were a pretty handy guy to have around. :confused: :laugh:
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