Thinking of buying a 2000 KX250. Advice needed


Sep 11, 2009
Hey all,
Thinking of trading the venerable 96 KDX200 for a 2000 KX250 and wondering if its a good idea. Heres my story and why I am considering this:
Been riding just over a year but picked it up pretty quickly... I live in eastern KY surrounded by hundreds of miles of all types of trail so I can ride literally every day... Usually I come home from work and try to put in at least 4 or 5 miles of trail riding... I havnt done any racing but I like to go fast and I always try to push myself to the limits. A few months ago I went for a long ride with some guys (we rode a semi-legal route from my house to the far side of another county... About 110 miles over 2 days). Two fo the guys I was riding with were legitimate fast riders with many (hundreds in one case) of races (hairscrambles and stuff... Not motorcross) under their belt... They have both even raced in Baja 1K (though that was on sport quads). I had ridden with one of the guys before and could not even keep him in sight when he was riding fast but it had been awhile (and Ihad not ridden with anyone else since) and I was eager to see how my skills had improved. They all show up on 2008-2012 ktm 250 2 strokes and here I am with my crappy 96 KDX200 with busted plastics and a dubious front wheel bearing (ran out of time to change it before the trip)... I was a little nervous but it wasn't a race and I knew I could at least hang with the two other guys who are slow.
We get ready and take off... Much to my suprise I was in the zone like crazy... I found myself able to easily keep up with the leaders... I swear I have never ridden so well or had so much fun... I was absolutely beating the sh*t out of the KDX and amazingly keeping up with the guy on the 2012 KTM (also happened to be the fastest rider). Second day was even better... I seriously could not believe it but I was leading and leaving everyone behind... I would ride for 20 minutes and then pull over and wait. The guys were having trouble believing I'd only been riding a year and I could not believe my KDX was still on one piece... It was definitely WAY down on power compared to the KTMs and as a result I don't think the throttle spent more than 10% of the time at less than 90% open. That said we made it back in one piece (I never even crashed on day two... The only member of our group that didn't... LOL) and back at the house everyone is talking about the ride and the guys are telling me I need to get into racing and its so much fun and I would be pulling great times, etc... Then one of the guys tells me "Hey while we load up the other bikes why don't you take my KTM out and see how you like it? You'd be crazy fast on that bike"
Hmm... Don't have to ask me twice.
Hopped on the KTM, Electric start, WTF is the sh*t??, took off.... HOLY FREAKING POWER! SO MUCH WANT!
Unfortunately a new KTM costs about as much as I could get for selling BOTH my kidneys where as a used KX250 costs about as much as I could sell my KDX for (to my girlfriend actually so it'll still be around anyway) and I am pretty sure you can get parts at Wal Mart.

Sorry for the wall of text... I am bored at work. tl;dr version is: Want more power than my KDX... Should I get a 2s KX250? How will it compare to a KTM 250?


dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
The new KTM's are great. The handling is so precise. Recently Rode a dialed in '11 300 with the suspension done and LOVED it. Best bike I've ever ridden.

Re: a KX250, here is the thing with most Japanese MX250's: They can make great trail bikes. Lighter and much more powerful than your KDX (you won't be riding 90+% wide open 90+% of the time, lol).

The trick is getting the suspension and power delivery set up right for you and the trails you ride. Not usually a big deal and even stone stock it will be fun.

If it does not have a spark arrestor and it is too loud, you will have to get a spark arrestor/silencer for most places (around here they are required).

The MX bikes also usually have small tank, close ratio gear boxes and no lights. For 90% of all riders, these things are not an issue.

FWIW, you might find a good '99 - '02 KTM 250 or 300 EXC for not much more than the KX. Also, the YZ250 is also pretty popular as far as an MX bike in the woods. Last one I rode was an '06 and it was very nimble and had excellent acceleration.


Sep 11, 2009
Thanks! Ill take a look at the yz... As for the ktms: the ex300 is my dream bike but maybe they're just not popular around here?? They are hard to find and command a premium... Seems like even a marginally beat looking one is going for $3k... I saw a 00 kx250 that looks decent (better than my kdx... Lol) for $1k and a 02 that looked really sharp for $1500... Actually dont give a rats a** what it looks like but I am doing the CL thing and tend to assume appearance is a reasonably good indicator of mechanical condition as it tells you how the owner looks after his stuff (can't trust the text... On cl all bikes will pull wheelies in all gears and have fresh top and bottom end done by a dealer with only 5 hours on it).

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
If you like to ride aggressive, you would really enjoy the KTM 200 also. Much more power than your KDX.


Sep 11, 2009
Yeah I've hear the KTM 200 is nice but not even any of those on CL in a reasonable distance... Saw one 300 for $2500 which isn't bad but still a little bit out of my budget and it was oldish... Considering going to look at this 03 KX250. Talked to the guy and he'll take $1550. Its a 65-70 mile drive... Based on what little information is in the ad you think its worth the drive?


Aug 24, 2012
Just curious, did you buy the 2003 KX250?
I have been riding KX's for the last 15 years. I had an 04 that I bought new. It was good. Probably be very good for trails and that kind of thing. It had broad smooth power. I currently have a 1998 KX250. I went back in years because the 97 and 98 KX 250's had an awesome motor. Monster bottom end. LOVE the bike I have now. I bought a KTM for my son a few years back. We needed a part for his clutch and the local KTM dealer didnt have it, and could order it but could not give me a delivery date because the factory was not providing one. That was enough for me. He was racing so I had to borrow a used one from another racer. That was enough of the KTM's for me. ...Just my experience.


Sep 11, 2009
Sadly I couldn't go that weekend and it sold.

On the bright side I couldn't go because I went up to Ohio to pick up a 66 mustang so there's that.

Still looking around though...

Mohawkman 2

Aug 18, 2012

Well a KX 250 is a motocross bike with stiffer suspension compared to an enduro bike which is what you currently own. I have a 2005 KDX 200 2 stroke and yeah it really throws you around. Basically its what fits your style of riding, if you want to ride trails and want some speed get a two stroke. Technically a 4 stroke will out run a 2 stoke at higher speeds. But the 2 stoke is made for taking off quicker than the 4 stoke. Avoid purchasing a motocross bike for trail riding its made for speed and not as forgiving when riding trials. Well I hope I have given you some great advice, good luck with riding.

Mohawkman 2


Mar 8, 2008
IMO the better you get the harsher your suspension has to become. I ride my YZ250 offroad, just for fun though and the only enduro set up I put onto the bike was a skidplate. In the area I ride there are no long stretches where a 4 stroke can out run me though. If its all about speed and you have a lot of long roads to reach speed a 4 stroke is hard to beat but if there are twist and turns etc, a 2 stroke MX bike is perfectly OK. Light, great acceleration, a bit thirsty and you have to learn clutching.


I had a lovly ktm 125 exc enduro great bike then i bought a ktm 300 exc n now i got myself a kx 250 2000 an im glad i bought it. It does everything i ask n some stiffer susspention the kx loves to be jumped high n far i find it better in some ways than the ktm but each to their own


Sep 11, 2009
Wow... This thread is still on page 1! Just fyi for anyone searching:
Went with a nice 98 KX250 I picked up for $900... Was some dudes motocross bike (previous, previous owner) so I'm not sure what all has been done to it... Has procomp decals on shock reservoirs and had aluminum sprockets (huge waste of money from a crappy sprocket that doesn't last imo)... Few other little things... PROBABLY pretty close to stock... Seems like I've had it about a year now and I'm finally feeling like I can use it to its full potential... I have not regretted the decision from day one but it took me a little awhile to get as fast as I was on the kdx and really "get it". Observations:
The bike HAULS... It would leave that ktm behind for sure... I'm talking scary fast. My GPS put me at 78 (not Stock gearing) on the highway and I walked away from a 90s mustang gt up to about 40 in an impromptu race.
not huge but.lighter than the kdx... Feels good out riding.
took some getting used to... A good few inches taller than the kdx... Probably makes it more maneuverable but its less comfortable (and I'm.pushing 6ft).
this isn't exactly a downside.. Dirt biking is SUPPOSED to be fatiguing and I like the speed... But everything about it is more demanding... You have to shift more (narrower powerband), its WAY harder to start and, taller and hard to hang onto if you grab a handful of throttle (especially about mile 60 on your 2453rd handful... Lol).
Hard to start:
Yes I mentioned this but it ripped a hole in the sole of my boot so it gets mentioned twice. Guess high compression for big power but it gets a little old on a slimy rock infested trail designed for mules or.something when you've stalled it on a hill for the 60th time that day in 80% humidity and 98 degree temps (yes I speak from experience)...
Easy to stall:
NARROW power band compared to KDX... Just gotta get used to it and keep the revs up. Takes some getting used to.

Did I mention it was fast? That's why in spite of any downsides its worth it a thousand times over... Gave me that scary, edge of control, oh god I'm gonna die feeling I was looking for. NOTHING beats that feeling when you "get it"... Got back from a timed run of my little loops (4 mile gnarly, rooty, rocky section of trail behind the house) when everything just went RIGHT. Covered in mud and feeling ready to fall over but like a literally flew though the whole thing... Checked my stopwatch and I'd been riding just over 10 minutes... Beat my previous best time by over 10%.
Totally worth it.

Oh yeah: gf is now my wife... Get to ride the kdx whenever I want too now!
thinking over getting a kx500 next... I crave more!


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
I had a 98 KX250, LOVED IT! Sent it out to Heavy Duty Racing in Va and Pete worked it to a 265. Loved it even more. You could ride it like a 4 stroke, no need to play with the clutch coming out of corners, just twistt and go. :cool: :cool:


Feb 16, 2015
myself I have owned alot of bikes over the years..2strokes that is 4strokes r more like atvs on conversation..i have a kx250 now and it is by far the best bike I have ever had..ktm if it brakes ur bank account will know they r crap to start unless u get one with electronic start..good luck!