this sure could have been worse.



Whoever did that should be taken out back and shot, if they had any form of a brain at all they would have realized that that could very easily have killed someone.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
here is the first artical

Teenage boys admit to prank with plastic wrap, DA says
4 in Town of Waukesha may be charged with being delinquent, causing crash

Posted: Aug. 4, 2004
Waukesha - Four Town of Waukesha teenage boys have admitted they stretched kitchen-variety plastic wrap across a road, causing a motorcyclist and his passenger to crash, Waukesha County District Attorney Paul Bucher said Wednesday.


7/20/04: Vehicle found wrapped in plastic
7/16/04: Plastic wrap barrier causes motorcycle crash

"They've been very cooperative, very contrite," Bucher said. "It's what we thought might have happened: a group of kids trying to pull a stupid prank that they didn't give a lot of thought to."

The boys, three are 16 and one is 14, each could be accused in juvenile court of being delinquent in petitions similar to what would involve felony counts of second-degree reckless endangerment if they were adults.

The review and charging process for juveniles typically takes 30 to 40 days, "but we plan to expedite that," Bucher said. "We're going to do what we can to try and get it into court next week," he added.

The 14-year-old is too young to be waived into adult court, and while it is possible for 16-year-olds, "I don't think the criteria that a judge has to consider are there (in this instance)," Bucher said.

"At least I don't think so at this point knowing what I know now," he added.

The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department received more than 50 tips regarding the July 13 accident, said sheriff's Detective Steve Pederson.

"We had more than one tip that pointed to two of the individuals," said Pederson, and two of the boys had been interviewed by detectives but were not arrested.

Two days after that interview, Bucher informed the Sheriff's Department that attorneys for the four teens, including the two previously interviewed, had contacted his office. Bucher said the boys' parents were cooperative.

"We had some leads, but we weren't near where we are now after getting their help," Bucher said.

Sheriff Dan Trawicki predicted after the incident that it would turn out to be a prank that had gone wrong involving local residents.

The incident occurred on Guthrie Road, south of Highway I, in the Town of Waukesha.

Daniel Buckel, 22, of the Town of Waukesha has said he didn't see the plastic wrap until it was 10 feet in front of him. It was too late to stop, and there was no way to avoid the tightly wound clear wrap stretched between two traffic posts.

Authorities and Buckel have described the circumstances. It was foggy at 1 a.m. Buckel and his girlfriend, Theresa Brzykcy, 19, of Brookfield were out for a relaxing ride. Because of the poor visibility, Buckel recalls traveling less than 40 mph when he hit the wall of plastic wrap.

The 2002 Honda motorcycle slid across the pavement, and Buckel and Brzykcy landed on a nearby driveway. Buckel broke a finger and needed 15 stitches to close a gash above his eye.

Brzykcy hit the pavement with her head and lost consciousness for a short time but was not seriously injured.

Local attorney Michael Hupy, who has represented many motorcyclists, offered a $5,000 reward to any person who provided information that led to a conviction. He said Wednesday that Trawicki will determine who among the more than 50 tipsters will get the money.

Waukesha County CrimeStoppers also added up to $1,000 to the reward amount.

Buckel has hired Hupy to represent him.

"I'm glad they turned themselves in," Hupy said of the boys, "but the main thing I wanted to do when I offered this reward was to make sure this doesn't happen to another biker."

Hupy said he does not know the boys' identities but that the four had hired separate attorneys.

Hupy promised to take no fee from Buckel, and to donate an amount equal to his fee to a motorcycle safety group.

Buckel said late Wednesday he's relieved that authorities have identified the boys said to be responsible because it means he no longer has to worry.

"It's less stressful not sitting around waiting any more, wondering if I should raise the reward, wondering what else I can do. It's a relief," Buckel said.

Buckel, who lives with his parents and works as a bartender and selling motorcycles, said the crash caused him to miss a combined two weeks of work. He still suffers bad headaches and said he can't afford plastic surgery needed to repair scars above his eyes and nose and on his chin.

"They're going to see that it's going to cost these kids severely," he said. "That's what happens for not thinking before you do act. Any prank - you've got to think before you do it if it's going to hurt someone. I'm just glad to be alive at this point."


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
oldguy said:
The boys, three are 16 and one is 14, each could be accused in juvenile court of being delinquent in petitions similar to what would involve felony counts of second-degree reckless endangerment if they were adults.
Delinquent? Delinquent? Pfft, most kids are freaking delinquent. What exactly does that mean? What kind of penalty does being “delinquent” carry? Nail them to the wall!! At 16, come on, unless they were mentally retarded, they really should have half a clue by then. :| It's a ROAD morons, I'd really like to know just what they THOUGHT would happen?! Did they think a vehicle would just bounce off of saran wrap and they would all have themselves a little giggle? If nothing else they should be locked up for the crime of stupidity. :debil:

oldguy said:
"They're going to see that it's going to cost these kids severely
I’m assuming he means it’s going to cost the kids’ parents.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Maybe this will sum it up:
SYLLABICATION: de·lin·quent
PRONUNCIATION: d-lngkwnt, -ln-
ADJECTIVE: 1. Failing to do what law or duty requires. 2. Overdue in payment: a delinquent account.
NOUN: 1. A juvenile delinquent. 2. A person who neglects or fails to do what law or duty requires.
ETYMOLOGY: Latin dlinquns, dlinquent-, present participle of dlinquere, to offend : d-, de- + linquere, to leave, abandon; see leikw- in Appendix I.
OTHER FORMS: de·linquent·ly —ADVERB

While some kids can be delinquent, I'm sure MOST are not.
What is locking up 4 stupid kids going to do? ... well lets see, how about:
integrate them into a population where they can get raped daily?
provide an atmosphere where they can learn more sophisticated crimes?
reduce an oppertunity for these kids to ever have a life after 18?
Lets have the parents knock some damn sence into the kids and pay restitution for the damage. as well as a butt load of community service.
I don't see why every crime requires a socialist punishment.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Funny you should post that definition, because out of curiosity I looked it up myself before posting. I know what "delinquent" means but my question was meant in the context of what does "delinquent" mean in the eyes of the law. What kind of penalty does being "delinquent" carry is what I wanted to know. But hey, I always enjoy being patronized. And in my opinion, yes, that definition can be applied to most kids at some point in their lives. Hell, when I was 8 or 9 I stole a pack of gum from the grocery store, I was a delinquent but my actions didn't almost KILL 2 people! :p

What good is locking up 4 kids going to do? Uhhh, it's called punshiment! Here, let me help you....

Main Entry: pun·ish·ment
Pronunciation: 'p&-nish-m&nt
Function: noun
1 : the act of punishing
2 a : suffering, pain, or loss that serves as retribution b : a penalty inflicted on an offender through judicial procedure
3 : severe, rough, or disastrous treatment

But you're probably right. Taking away their video games is probably a more fitting punishment. What's the big deal with being responsible for potentially killing a coupla people? I mean really, they were only maimed for life. :think:

You have your opinion and your right to it, but in my opinion punishment not only serves as a valid form of retribution but also sends a message to other would be 'pranksters' that that kind of behavior in society is simply NOT acceptable.


Oct 3, 2002
I'm not real happy that they called the episode a "prank". Tossing water balloons is a prank. Doing something that one should realize is likely to cause expensive property damage at the least, not to mention death, is a bit more than a prank.

As for punishment, I'd say a years worth of public service would leave quite an impression on them. 52 weekends worth of picking up trash on that particular stretch of road would work for me.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Who said anything about taking away their video games, I'm sure I said "Lets have the parents knock some damn since into the kids and pay restitution for the damage. as well as a butt load of community service.:
now this is NOT funny:
"3 : severe, rough, or disastrous treatment"
Disastrous, is what the result is after incarcerating a 14 year old.
Take it a bit further, why not lock up court clerks that perform illegal union marriages? ??? ... does not fit your agenda, now does it?
too bad this is not in a different forum so we could really discuss this, ... locking away kids helps NO ONE!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I'm all for those kids doing plenty of public service, and their parents being held responsible as well. Trouble is, the parents are probably worthless as well, and will probably hire lawyers to defend the "pranksters" since they were "just out having fun".:|


Aug 2, 2000

And make sure they fall into their own pit. :bang:


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
whyzee said:
Disastrous, is what the result is after incarcerating a 14 year old.

A few days in a city/county jail wouldn't be a disaster in my opinion. I wouldn't want to see them in a cell with others but from what I've experienced they would most likely get their very own private cell. At that age it'd most likely give them what they need which is a good scare and education. A year of community service to follow would insure that they don't forget too soon.

I know a few folks that have spent a night or two in a city jail around that age and I can tell you it worked wonders for them.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
More then likely they will spend time in the county juvenile lockup. Not the worst but far from country club. Usually the penalty is spread over time as more then likely they will not be done with court until after school starts. Once school starts the norm is they report every Friday as soon as school is out and stay in lockup until 7am Monday at which time they go straight to school. If they miss any scholl or screw off while there then they sit the whole stretch with homework brought in.

also the area of the county in which this occurred the average income is pretty high and the restitution/ fines will be collected.

And Speedy the far majority of kids are not delinquents (altho they all do make poor decisions occasionally) at least from my experience at work.


Back in the saddle and having a blast !
Ahhh.... To be old and wise, you must first be Young and Stupid.
I'd like to believe these kids were expecting to see a car hit this just to see how far it would stretch. At 16 - I did some pretty stupid things and I'm sure they now realize just how stupid this was. I'm sure hope the courts do some digging to find out what these kids are really like before laying out the punishment. As I watch my kids grow - I recoginize their inability to grasp what the results of their actions may be. I constantly attempt to help them understand and learn this concept. Hopefully someone will do the same for these kids.
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