Thoughts on the Kawi 300 4 stroke???????


Sep 28, 2001
I got into a heavy battle last sunday at the Hare Scramble in Pine Grove Pa with a Kawi 300 4 stroke. It was a fast course, with many tight twisty sections. In the tight section I held my own with my 200, but then we broke out of the tight stuff into a long straight and the 300 got away. I was pretty impressed with it. I like my 200, but has anyone ridden the 300/ 4 stroke. Does it feel,"heavy"? How does it start?? Likes or dislikes???
I guess we 2 stroker have got to face the fact that our bikes are gonna go the way of the dual shock, air cooled, coffin tank bikes.
It's getting near the end of the season and my stead needs some work to make it happy again, and I was wondering if maybe Santa would bring me a 300!!!
I don't know if I could adjust to cams and valves!
Any thoughs, opions would help!!
2001 KDX 200
2000 KTM 200
2001 Yami TTR 125 (Boy "A"s )
1996 XR 80 (Boy "B"s)


May 22, 2001
A guy I ride with a lot has one. He has done some airbox mods and messed with the exhaust so it runs a little better than stock. I have a KDX200 that's been turned into a 225. In a straight section, he can keep up with me but in the curves and rocky hills I blow him away - and he's actually a better rider than me. I've ridden his 300 a few times and noticed that it feels very heavy and cramped. I don't find it to be a very comfortable ride at all.


Aug 29, 2001
Of the four strokes I have ridden recently (no, not my own bikes....) I must say the KLX was the least impressive.

Yamaha WR250F
TM250 (4TEnduro)

The WR250F was a lot of fun basically stock (except silencer). Well balanced, and surprisingly fast. Just don't stall it...

The TM lacked the WR's punch, but made up for it with easy starting and zillions of trick parts :). Needs a bit of setup time, but has great potential.

The VOR...

There is a heaven :eek: ! It has to be the world's most fun bike to look at. So simple, you wonder if it has all the necessary parts to run. And, um... basically just letting the weight of your leg fall on the forward thrusting kick lever will fire it up.

The KLX seemed like a plate of leftovers compared to these bikes. Not a bad ride, but dated. It lacks the power and feels much heavier than the others.

BTW, you didn't mention prices ;)


Sep 28, 2001
Thanks!! kinda what I thought

I thought it would be that way. I don't see many at the races, so that tells me something. Maybe the guy had it really modified cuz he pulled away fairly good and I was on my green machine as quick as I could.
I came sooooo close to buying a Yami 4 stroke, the day before I talked to a bunch of guys that had them and they told me about the ,"Yami mood" as it wouldn't start, I bought my KDX instead.
I'm 43, got really bad knees, bad shoulder, bad wrist, so buying a $5000 plus machine is out, I do it cuz this is my boys first year racing, Pops will phase out his career and be a mechanic for them. I thought if the 300 was cool, I'd buy one, run it for a while and tben convert it to a dual-sport street legal. I guess I'll go through the KDX and use it for a few more races.
2001 KDX 200
2000 KTM 200
2001 Yami TTR 125 (Boy "A"s)
1996 XR 80 (Boy "B"s)

WR 250

Mar 17, 2000
The KLX 300 is a nice bike. My brother and I bought new bikes last year, me KDX 200 and him the KLX 300. I like his KLX. It has a little bit lower seat height so it fits me better and feels more comfortable. His KLX is easier to trail ride since it will lug at lower RPMs and handles better than my KDX.

It is unfortunate that the KLX is always compared to the new Yamahas or KTMs. Truth is the bike was never meant to compete against race bikes but instead it competes with the XR 250. It can also be thought of as a four stroke version of the KDX.

Overall I like the KLX, the biggest problem I've had when riding it is that it is a real booger to start. Other people claim not to have this problem however. It is too bad that Kawasaki doesn't update the bike but then if you look at Kawasaki's line-up quite a few machines have remained unchanged since day one, i.e. KLR 650, Mojave.

Anyhow, if you like your KDX you might try the KLX. There are hop-ups to make it more snappy and it will always be a more versatle bike than the YZ/WR 250F.


Sep 28, 2001
Hmmm so many different ideas

Kawi weird like that. I raced Mx in the 80's before injuries made me take a few years off, they were like that then. They'd come out with a big break through and then let it stay, never finishing it. They're still like that, The KDX may be a dying line, but at least they could do it make it competetive. It's almost the same as the '89 I had.
Starting was one of the thing I have against 4 strokes. The last 4 stroke I raced was a 350 XR. My buddies. I got 1/2 mile in an enduro, stalled it and left it there cuz it wouldn't start!! Granted it was like a '85 or something, but that memory always haunts me.
I'm sure Kawi will make the KDX a 4 stroke in a few short years. Hopefuly the starting problems will be history by then.
As comparing then to Yami, it's only natural thay will. Toss all the 4 stroke small bores in a basket and see which one is best
I wish there was somewhere where you could rent a new bike for a day and ride, think of all the money we'd save!!
Thanks for your input!!!
2001 KDX 200
2000 KTM 200
2001 Yami TTR 125 (boy"A"s )
1996 Honda XR 80 (Boy"B"s)


May 3, 2001
Joe, I've got a KLX300 and really like it. As someone said in this thread, a few mods really wake it up. A new pipe, airbox mods, and pumper carb and it's completely transformed. Much quicker, more responsive, and actually easier to start. However, as was also said it is not a YZF and never was meant to be. If you pick one up get a '97 or later 300 (avoid the 250!). Better yet, get a KTM 400 E/XC and be very happy (this will be my next thumper).

I'm here because I've been kicking around the idea of adding a 2 stroke to my stable and the KDX seems natural, since off-roading (not MX) is what I enjoy. It also seems Yamaha essentially gave this market to Kawi when they abandoned the IT/WR 2-strokes in '98. The other option in this class is the KTM 200 E/XC, which I see you also have. I know the KTM is nice since an over 40 friend of mine hare scrambles one, but it is also pricey. How would you compare the KDX 200 to the KTM 200? My guess is the KDX, like it's KLX brother, is a bit more dated (at least the KLX got the upside down cartridge fork!).

The other option out there appears to be the GasGas, cloning both the Kawi perimeter frame and the Honda CR250 engine. But I'd really like to hear your comparison of the KDX 200 to the KTM 200. Thanks!


Sep 28, 2001
KDX and KTM are too different animals!!

I bought the KTM in March, The boys got into riding and I thought it would be a great woods bike. It is, the suspension was a dream, it wasn't that hard to set up, is great as soaking up anything NEPA. can dish out. I threw a dyno port pipe/silencer on it, a boysen rad valve and a O ring chain. It's great, fickable, power to the moon, man when it comes on the pipe, there's where the problem lies. early in the hare scramble it works great. later when your tired and want to lug, it comes on the pipe and wham into a tree. I added a little more flywheel weight, helped some but still....
The KDX has a dyno Port pipe/ silencer rather than FMF cuz thier kinda local, Boysen power reeds, 12 tooth front sproket, Freddette pipe spacer, a power pro piston and heavier springs. The bike is a good bike. It doesn't do anything wrong nor does it do anything great. I wanted power like the one I had in '89, (low end grunt) It descent off the bottom, has good mid and top. It kinda hard switching between the 2, I use the KTM for the few MX or fast hare scrambles I do.
Bottom line, KTM is expensive, but all great parts in it, maintenance parts are twice as high. If you race, are an agressive rider this baby for you.
KDX is a old friend, feels heavier than the KTM lifting and riding,mine runs fast, great, handles no too shabby is cheaper to maintain, gets better fuel mileage.
I'm keeping my KDX, the KTM is about to be sold to this kid I give lessons to, I'm 43 have so may injuries after 25 years of MX so I know I'm in the twilight of my racing, I did it this year cuz my boys started to any I figured I'm there anyway. Maybe next year will be my last, them I'm thier mechanic, (I do it now!!)
Tough choice.Let me know the final answer.
2001 KDX 200
200KTM 200
2001 Yami 125 TTR (Boy "A"s)
1996 Honda XR 80 (Boy "B"s)


Aug 29, 2001

Buy a VOR.

When you are too sore, tired or just plain old to ride it you can just park it in the living room and drool over it!

(only half kidding)


May 3, 2001
Joe, great feedback. Agrees with what my friend said about his and why I probably wouldn't get one. He came off an XR400 to go to the KTM 200. The XR4 was just too big and heavy and wore him out, so he wanted something lighter. The KTM 200 is kind of like a 125 magnum, with more lowend, so he went with that. Said he probably should have bought a KLX300 in hindsight, since he liked the 4 stroke lowend and tractability. I'd have to agree that, or a KDX200, would have been a better choice. Granted both require mods to be competitive, whereas the KTM is pretty much ready to go out of the box, but that's part of the fun of it anyway!


Jan 17, 2001
Shame the XR250 doesn't get a little more mention on this subject. Hasn't changed in 5 years and it can still hold its own against the newest wave of 4-strokes IN ITS OWN ENVIROMENT. I believe it's the same price as the KLX at 4699? It would be nice if you could test ride it at the dealership unplugged. I rode an XR400 for three years and really liked it and even though the 250 isn't a lot lighter, it just feels much lighter to me. I rode the 250 at the dealership in 1996 and was really disappointed, so I bought the 400. My brother-in-law bought the 250 the same year. We unplugged it and I fell in love with it as soon as I got on it. Now I'm riding the 250. You're gonna think I'm crazy, but this has been my progression (regression?) since 1995:


There was something that I liked about all of them except for maybe the 250LQ (I could write a book here). The 605 was great...just a bit heavy in snow and ice. I think the XR250 will have a place in the garage for a good while.

Hope you make the right choice for YOU!



May 3, 2001
KLX vs. XR

Check out this review of the XR to the KLX:

It's one of a few reviews on that are pretty good. Granted it's comparing '97 models, but as you noted the XR hasn't changed since then (nor has the KLX300).

My riding buddy has an XR250 and it's a nice bike, but he wants more. In fact, I originally went looking for a used XR250 but came across a great deal on the KLX300, and it's just all around a little nicer (though Honda reliability is a good thing!). Not only was it better to start, but as my skills got better I spent $465 for a pumper carb and a new headpipe and I had a whole new bike! He'd have to go to a 280 plus have some real suspension work done to be in my league.

Reality is we'll both probably go to KTM 400's, though he's ready now while I'm happy for probably another year. At that point I'll probably still keep it for my son who wants to start riding.


Sep 28, 2001
The Xr 250 is lost in the shuffle

If I had the bucks, had a Vor dealer close, I look at them, I alway had a soft spot for less common bikes, I raced a Cagiva in the 80's a Ktm when they were lead sleds, a Kawi when Honda was hot.
I never really looked at Honda, I raced a '88 CR 125 and thought it was a great bike, back in '89 after I broke my leg, other than that I never even considered a Honda. I did look at them when I was looking for a scoot, but like you said they seen like the same scoots from the early 80's. It's weird Honda never but a better suspension on them and made some of the updates they did to the quads on it. I bet they'd be a screamer.
I think the end result is I know what I've got, I'll get the suspension redone this winter, a new pipe, (mines got a nice dent from last week) a steering stablizer, (just to try one, I see quite a few guys running them) and maybe a 35mm carb if my boys scoots don't bleed me. As for the 300, If I can spend some time on one or I'll watch them at the races, who knows. It seems like KDX's are like KTM's they hang @ the garage for ever and never really go out of style!
2001 KDX 200
2000 KTM 200
2001 Yami 125 TTR (Boy "A"s)
1996 Honda XR 80 (Boy "B"s)


May 3, 2001
I agree -- the KDX is a great ride. Frankly, as I was getting back into dirt bikes again I originally wanted a 2-stroke since that's what I'd grown up riding. But all my friends had thumpers and the XR250 seemed like a good all around trail bike. The XR I went to look at was trashed but they had a really nice KLX300 which just seemed perfect -- one up on the XR250 in every way. I'd never even considered Kawi since I grew up around Yamahas and Hondas.

I did ride a couple 2 strokes for comparison but they were an RM125 (loved the flickability but not the missing low end) and a KTM300 M/XC (too much bike for me). The 2 strokes I saw advertised were pure MX bikes and too violent a power hit for my intended use. I remembered the Yamaha IT's from my old days and wanted one, only to find they didn't make them anymore. Had I known about the KDX I'd probably have bought one instead. That said, now that I have the KLX the way I want it, I don't see a reason to switch to a KDX (though I'd like to have both!).


Sep 3, 2001

I have a 01 KLX300 and a 98 KDX220.I traded in my 90 KDX200 in for the 300 but I really missed the KDX.I have owned many different bikes but The KDX was my favorite.I have done the headpipe and muffler and carb needle upgrades to my KLX and it is a much improved bike from stock but it just doesn't have that crisp snap that my newly purchased 98 KDX220 has.I have dualsported my KLX and that gives it an added dimension that the KDX doesn't have. If I was not able to make the KLX street legal I would have sold it and bought a new KDX. There are many more things that I could have done to make the KLX faster and snappier but it gets to expensive and the payoff for each upgrade always leaves me wanting more.The KLX does have better top end and it's a more relaxed type of riding.The KDX is lighter and quicker and to me it's simply more fun to ride.Hope this helps and feel free to ask me any questions.


Sep 3, 2001

I didn't answer part of your question in my earlier post.My KLX starts 2 kicks cold 1 kick hot.1 kick after a stall.If you lay it down thats another matter.Somtimes it starts right away and other times it may take 15 good boots.I found that holding the throttle open or choking it only makes it worse.Just kick it without any throttle and it will fire.I once owned an XR250 and the KLX is far superior in power.The suspension is almost a draw.The KLX is an excellant trail bike and I enjoy riding it but I didn't have any unreal expectations when I bought it.I wanted to make it a dualsport from the git go.


Jun 9, 2001
Where in Pine Grove was the scramble and is there anymore this year? I live in York, PA and come to Pine Grove often to ride my mountain bike in the Michaux Forest. Wish they allowed dirt bikes on the mountain bike trails there but they only allow ATV. Thanks


Sep 28, 2001
Pine Grove Hare Scrambles

Well that's a good question. I get off 81 at exit 100 go under the bridge pass Mcdonalds and turn right @3 miles up the road. Your best bet is to go to AMA sight, to local racing and hit hare SAcrambles. It'll give you a list. I know they're runnin' till the end of Nov. It's an easy FAST track, hardly any woods time, more like an old MX, lotta flat switch back sections. It's a blast, I can watch my 2 sons through most of the track, Last race I ran @38-40 miles. I think the next race is the 28 of Oct. Let me know if you find out the info you need, if not I'll dig up my "official directions" Oh, you gotta be AMA and a district card rider to race. Hope to see you there!


Jun 9, 2001
Thanks for the Pine Grove/AMA info. I checked out AMA site and it looks like these scrambles take place at the Flying Dutchman MX track. Is this the one you rode in? Also is this scramble suitable for a true beginer? Thanks again.


Sep 28, 2001
Yep that's it Fly Dutchman!

I couldn't remember for the life of me who puts it on, but that's them!! I rode that trck in March, my first race after 12 years of being out of racing. There's nothing really scarey there. It's a wide flat track, a couple novice freindly jump, some really cool sections. I took my boys ther, (3-4 race for them).Practice your flat cornering though, cuz there's a million turns. It's a blast to ride that track, get ready for some serious fun!!! It is a FAST track though. Unless it rains, (I'm too old to race in the cold rain) We'll be there. Look us up and say hey. We'll be in a light gray van, the boys ride# 250, 991, I'll be on my KDX #28. Get there early cuz parking is a problem, the big bikes go off @12:30 or so, I'd get there by 11 to sign up.
Hope to see you there and good luck!!
2001 KDX
2001 Yami TTR 125 (Boy "A"s)
1996 Honda XR80 (Boy "B"s)

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