Title woes in Texas


Feb 9, 2000
In December I get me a new Gas Gas Pampera 280, and decided to get it titled and registered.

I thought it was going to be easy, get the insurance, do the inspection, and go get the plates - TexKDX warned me it might get tricky.

Well everything progressed smoothly, the DMV people could not have been more helpful, and they even knew how to switch the classification and issue a new title and registration.

Well, the problems started with the title, they could not proceed without the title, so I had to run around to another DMV office to be told that I had to go the bank to get the title. Did this and was told by the bank, wait three days until they felt like dropping the papers off - all was going well still, a little delayed, but things were happening.

So, the title arrives and I head off to the DMV to close the deal, anyway, they start processing the change, and get stuck, the VIN has been entered into the computer as off road only, and cannot be changed. I have to get a new VIN , but first the sheriff has to inspect the bike. Do this, and lo and behold, what does he find, the VIN on the bike, does not match the title. Go back to the lady at the DMV, and everything is put on hold - have to get a new Manufacturers Certificate of Origin MCO reissued. That puts a real spanner in the works (also a blessing in disguise).

I have to go back to the dealer, who has to go back to the distributor, who is away on business, all tied up etc, and have to wait until they can sort it out. Can anyone guess how long it takes to get the new MCO - a month, thankfully the lady I am dealing with is patient and has an idea that this is going to take time.

Well, yesterday, the MCO arrives, and today I go collect it, and head off down to the DMV with all the paperwork, and boy does it get confusing, even the boss lady has to phone Austin to find out about the tax which I have already paid, get that sorted out, and then proceed.

Now to the blessing in disguise, the new MCO has the correct VIN, so instead of having a new VIN issued, new VIN plate stamped etc, more time and money wasted, all they need do, is enter the 'new' VIN, and switch the classification to motor cycle. If the paperwork had been done correctly, the issue may have been resolved sooner, but my bike would have had a completely new VIN plate, and this may have ended up in an even stickier situation.

I thought I was never going to see that plate, to top of the whole danged sorry picture, I had received a note from my insurance saying that they were going to cancel my insurance as it was a dirtbike, and they had no idea what a gas ass was, had it down as other - they thought this was a garage special. I then had to explain that it was a dual sport, and they said they were only interested if it was registered and had a plate. So my insurance was about to go down the drain, and my bank was to be notified too.

Not a very happy month waiting for that MCO, although I did get to ride the Amarillo fest and Lake Mackenzie 3 weeks later, so I still had fun waiting, all was not bad.

Anyway, as of 4pm today, the little Pampera has a title, registration, and plate. Gotta give kudos to the Randall DMV here in Amarillo though, they really tried their best - I was most impressed, very 'civil' in their serving :cool:

Don't know weather to laugh or cry :( :)

OK, so this is a flame with a happy ending - so what :moon:

Still have to deal with the insurance though, hope they keep their end of the deal, I have a feeling they want to screw me because of the stolen DRZ :think:


Helpful? Considerate? At the DMV? WOW! That would make the 10 o'clock news around here! :debil:


Jun 5, 2001
DMV :p hehehe bwaahahahah. What is this thing you call a GASASS? Bring it to me and I'll take care of it for ya! All I ask is that I have to ride it for a while to make sure it is what you say it is.:) when I got my new RM, I had to convince them it was NOT a street bike. I guess I should have taken the plate anyway, that'd made a stir here in the office!


Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by Danman
I was going to as what a GAS :moon: was too.

Eat roast beef, or beans, and spend a night in the Heartland Spodes trailer - you will get the picture - bad :moon: bad gas :think :uh:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by BunduBasher

Eat roast beef, or beans, and spend a night in the Heartland Spodes trailer - you will get the picture - bad :moon: bad gas :think :uh:

Hey, I resemble that remark.
I too have experienced the "Gas, Gas, what's that? " look at the insurance office.


Feb 9, 2000
My insurance is still looking , and it don't look good :ugg:
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