TNT Saturday Oct 19


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Weather was perfect, track was about as good as it gets, traction was great. In attendance were: LinusB, Slacker, Ken, Carl (the new guy) and a special appearance by whyzee96 (who stayed just long enough to get his Eric Gorr book back ;) ).

Linus had his bike up on the stand when I got there and we spent the first hour finishing the sprocket/chain change on his bike and I changed my oil using the Mike T funnel/bottle method.

Carl pulled in and we did the first round of the Chester Woods Track GP. I don't know if it was the sprockets or what but Linus was QUICK. The only time I could get him off my back wheel or take a break while up front was when he was sliding out because he wasn't used to the new gearing. Passing him was nearly impossible, some of which can also be attributed to him sliding out and not being used to the new gearing. He was even attempting stuff out on the big track by mid afternoon.

Went back for a break and Slacker and Ken arrived. I think we all hit the big track next.

The first thing I was noticing was that my bike was running STRONG. I had put the 12oz flywheel weight back on in preparation for Brown Mountain and was thinking it would run sluggish. NO WAY!! I guess the cool dry air and jetting were perfectly synchronized and 4th gear felt like second gear did last week at Parker Valley. I really noticed it when gave it everything it had in third gear (like I usually have to do) to clear the triple after rolling the gulley jump. Well I had no problem clearing it, landed just short of the berm in the turn, jumped the berm and nearly took out some pedestrians walking up from the woods track (well they thought so anyway - I think the fence would have stopped me).

The next thing I noticed is that Ken is real quick in the turns. Can lose him over the jumps but then he is on me through the curves. I think he admitted to cutting the track but I am not sure. The CRF twins were expressing jump concerns early on but started clearing the uphill triple by the end of the day. I hear Ken is secretly filming freestyle videos and just sandbagging out there on the track.

Whyzee Dave was parked up above the kids track teaching Lola how to ride when I found him. Took Dave and Aryn down to the woods track for their first time. Took a break then back to the big track. I was trying real hard to stay out front and did my first Carmichael whip while leading Ken over the big step up. According to eyewitness accounts, I was completely sideways and I could tell from the feel of it that I was approaching the point where the bike is completely flat and I was hanging off of the back - like in one of those Honda commercials. LUCKILY, the ground came up quick enough to save my life and even though the back end bounced side to side on the landing....I managed to stay on two wheels and a foot. Had to go back to the truck, examine my big toe, change my shorts, and stop the scenes of my life flashing before my eyes. By the way, anybody get that whip on film???

I vaguely remember several more Woods Track GPs where Linus was wearing me out. In one of the later races, I tried to pass Linus over the tabletop thinking I am usually quciker over that jump. So I gave it a handfull of gas not thinking about how good the bike was running and overjumped it by at least 20 ft (well it felt like that anyway). I did pass Linus as he was making the turn...but that's because I was making a beeline over the berm and off the track. Had to spend some time collecting myself in the tall grass by the fence (that's where I got it stopped).

In the final race, I did manage to redeem myself as far as Linus was concerned (he was wore out by this point) but Ken put one of those "going for broke" moves on me in the back stretch. He passed me in the rough section through the woods, I took it back on the outside through the curve, and after the two doubles I heard this gawdawful-wide-open-4-stroke-rumbling and then this blur passed me on the right. I don't think he slowed down for the turn even...and then he was gone.

We also extracted a kid from some guys back wheel and I rescued some 2 foot tall kid who had his 4 wheeler grounded between two ruts. All in all, a very busy day.

Had a great time and wish the rest of the Carolina Spodes could have made it. I particularly missed the Gomer clan and I hope we can get the whole crew together soon.
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
You guys suck... just rub it in.

Seriously though, glad you guys had a good time. I'm really looking forward to Brown Mt.



Apr 20, 2002
A most excellent ride report James. Not much I can add to that! It was really a fun day. Weather was superb and track conditions were great. Ivan and Gomer: We definitely missed you out there. It was great seeing you again Dave and hope to do it again soon. Hopefully Carl will be online with us and will attend future rides as he seemed to be real nice guy.

I definitely like the effect that I have gotten going from a 48 to 50 tooth rear sprocket. Bike is feeling pretty spry and Gary Semics' book has given me some things to continously practice. I'm ever striving to get faster in the corners and the woods track seems to be the perfect place to practice.

On the big track, I finally got the nerve to try some of the jumps that I've been too scared to try. I doubled the triples consistently Saturday and felt very comfortable doing so. I doubled the first jump in the rythym section at the bottom of the hill but was a bit uncomfortable doing that. I didn't have the confidence to do the next one and felt like I had to much speed to bleed off so I didn't endo into the next face. I'm now starting to think that the bigger doubles don't look so big. My Husky's suspension is pretty plush so I'm a bit concerned about tackling some of these bigger ones. In the meantime, I'll keep doing what I'm doing with the goal of beating James on the woods track! :p


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
What a great weekend. First I get to celebrate Lola’s birthday, presents with a nice dinner out, NO KIDS! Then we start talking about our planned Sunday trip to the drag races in Rockingham, and how we are going to get time to do the state fair... well to be quick about it, she says she wants to blow off Rockingham and learn to ride dirt bikes. ... ??? :eek: Ok, this is sooo cool, so we get home get the gear together, get directions again, (thanks guys) and head to bed. I can’t sleep as I am still a 41 year old kid and excited as heck about riding with my wife for the first time :yeehaw: . Sunlight hits the windows and I am up loading the bikes and gear. Come inside and motivate lil96 with the words, “ya want to go riding?” There must be caffeine in my words because he shoots out of bed like a rocket. Half hour later coffee is in the thermos, lunch in the cooler, and we are on the way. TNT is 3 3/4 hours down the lane so we have lots to talk about, Lola is asking a million questions and I’m in heaven. Well 2 Harley-Davidson stops, (we are on a journey to visit every one in the Carolinas, and a few coffee evacuation breaks and we finally roll into TNT. Drive through the pits and don’t see James (Scott’s) truck so we park up by the circle track so I can watch Lil96 on the kids track and teach Lola to ride on the circle track. Geared up and ready to begin, (I have to stop here and apologize, I gave Lola my first pair of 32 pants, I then gave her my kidney belt to hold them up. Never forget, even when riding, there is still a little vanity) :( Ok, where was I, ... so we start discussing the bike and the controls riding position, discuss and show her where to ride, how to fall (thought it would happen), sit her on the bike and go through the motions. She says she’s ready so we start up the XR100 and let it warm up, get the helmet comfortable, gloves and goggles, she gets on, clutch in, first gear ... I give her the thumbs up and with a soft release of the clutch lever I become responsible for inducting another dirt bike rider into the club. She rides up to the circle track, dumb excited husband trotting behind and begins doing laps. After about 5 laps I think she has mastered first gear and lil96 is asking me if his bike is going to blow up, so I bring her in and we go over the shifting principle one more time and ask her to work on the physics of braking, just to get used to it. Off she goes and YES, we have a shift into second. As she passes by I get a thumbs up :thumb: , I later tell her that was her first one-hander. Well she works on the basics and after a while James pulls up to welcome us back to TNT, yes, it has been a while. I explain to James the dangers of going near the circle track at this time and he seems to think it’s pretty cool too. Lola finally takes a break, I think lil96 wanted his bike and boots back, so once the exchange is made we head down to see James and Linus and the gang and ride the Intermediate track.. What a fun little track, one problem, the brand new Forma’s I got from Dave S. are so stiff I can’t shift and I keep hitting the brake on landing (they are comfortable though and have great support). After a few laps of getting in everyone’s way I head up the hill to the truck and put on my old MSR’s, get a drink and give Lil96’s bike back to Lola. With my old boots on I turn some laps with Lola then head down to the big track with the guys, the track has gotten a little more friendly since my last visit and on the second lap I’m hitting some of the smaller doubles. After Linus catches me, I follow his lead and time more of the bigger doubles I am really feeling good on the bike again. Later in the day we all go back to the Intermediate track, and now being able to shift, start going all out, this is a very fun lil track and I am easily over-jumping everything but it is still comfortable. Too much front brake and too worn of a front tire and I wash out the front two or three times trying to keep up with James, he has improved at a rate much faster than I have. All in all a great day. Riding with Lil96, James, Linus, Slacker, Ken and their friends was a blast and I can’t wait to do it again, but riding with Lola and the excitement and emotions from her first ride were the BEST.
I too missed the Gomers, or should we call them the High Lords, and Ivan the Terrible as well as Mike T and Wrench.

The ride home was filled with more questions, congratulations, and thoughts of gear (that fits), new bike, how to haul 3 bikes, etc. I hate pulling a trailer, but if that’s what it takes then I’ll do it. So this week we may go look at a few bikes, I’m thinking a TTR125 may suit her well.

Lola, doesn’t spend a great deal of time on line, but I’m trying to convince her to join the club, as the Women’s forums here are very informative and she would fit right in and get a lot out of it.

While I’m at it, my southern compadres, any recommendations for front and rear tires to fit the dirt of : TNT, Devil’s, Parker, Top Gun?

Thanks again guys and I'll see ya all soon.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Sorry I missed you guys! :(

Lori said something about a lost individual leaving a message on the answering machine, but we were already on our way to Myrtle beach for a soccer tournament.

Dave...which bike are the tires for? The XR, the YZ, or the TTR?


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Thanks Mike, we found it ok.
Need new tread for the YZ, but am going to replace the XR rubber while I'm at it.
Hope Myrtle was good to ya, too bad we missed you guys.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
For a single race day at any of those tracks, I'd say a 737 rear and a 756 front.

The 737 is only good for a day or so, so if you're looking for more longevity, I'd run the 739 or even M-12 rear. If it's going to be muddy, I like the S-12, but all of the tracks you listed have sections of concrete that will eat an S-12 on anything but a muddy day.

If it wasn't already a problem, you might not need to worry about it, but when I was teaching Lori (and now Tommy) I adjusted the front brake so that it would hold them if stopped, but didn't do much of anything when moving. I learned that after Lori grabbed a handfull of front brake ona gravel road while learning.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Again thanks Mike,
Longevity, whatever that means and all that stuff may be important, but I need tires that are going to last for a while. :silly: :confused:
Current grip is:

As, fro the front brake, the XR cable pull would be more apt to breaking her hand from squeezing it than locking up the front tire, thanks for the advice.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
ANYTHING will be an improvement on the front, and most anything will be better on the rear.

I honestly like soft terrain tires up front even on hard pack (755 or S-12), but a lot of people don't.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Ok, one last stupid question
Lil96 has a:
2.50-19 front
and a 3.00-16 rear
Is there a metric conversion for these pieces of poo poo?
Maybe a 70/100-19
and a 90/100-16???


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Thanks for the help Mike. Just ordered D739's front & rear for Lil96, and a 739 rear & 756 front for the YZ from Rocky Mountain. ... as well as a new jersey and pants for Lola.


Jan 17, 2001
Wish I could have ridden that weekend. Dave will vouch for how sick I was. He called Friday night and I think I scared him nearly to death with how bad my voice was, or what was left of it. I think at first, Dave thought he woke me up when he called and started apologizing all over the place. Then I explained how sick I actually was and that I'd probably be better off at home that weekend. I think he agreed.

We will get together again soon.
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