TNT Sunday 5-19

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I'll definitely be there...who else?

(JamesP better chime in so I can look petite next to him!)


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I am still a "may be". Gotta get some family stuff figured out then I'll know for sure....will edit this post with the update.

I am not posing for any pictures in order to validate your petiteness...unless it involves bikini models.

What time are you guys planning on getting there. I'll be on a 2000 CR250 #45 if I can make it. I stuck the numbers on there in anticipation of racing the beginners class on Sunday but decided I am not yet eager to begin.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I'm confused...what color bikini will you be wearing? Will it have a 45 on it or is that the size?

Assuming I get the bike together Saturday, I hope to be there between 10 and 12 on Sunday. I'll have a red 97 F250 crewcab with red camper top pulling a 6x12 plain white enclosed trailer.

Me 97 CR250 #747 (if I resurrect it)
Danny 98 CR125 #410
Ricky 96 KX80 #410
Tommy 99 Powerwheels Jeep

BTW, your presence is no longer is required!

ION, Travis (hotshot B rider), McMenamin (hotter shot B rider with annoyingly fast kids), and Hank (Old tall guy) will also be there.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
How does that powerwheels jeep handle the kids track?? ;)

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I have to make Tommy push so I can make it up some of the bigger jumps. :eek:


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Now I know why it has taken so long to get your bike back together.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I am a probably may be.

The equipment is in good running order and it looks like there won't be any conflicting situations. Now it all hinges on how much of a beating I take on Saturday and if I have any energy left. I am optimistic at this point.


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by JamesP
Now it all hinges on how much of a beating I take on Saturday and if I have any energy left. I am optimistic at this point.
Ya, I'll be easy on ya. ;) As for Dave..... He might be a little tougher.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
So, what kind of track is TNT? Is it short and tight (like my neighbor Sandra) or is it not-so-short and fast (like my other neighbor Leslie)?

I probably can't make it Sunday, but I might be able to do Memorial Day.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
JP I really hope you can make it.

TNT's track is mostly 2nd and 3rd gear unless your really good :) The trails are wider than what Lemming would take you on but that is a good thing. Most of the jumps are fairly do-able but they are more intimidating than that at MM. You definately want to do a couple of siting laps.

I hope you make it next week. I think you'll like the track and the trails should be in good shape unless there is a lot more rain.



Jan 17, 2001
Well, how did it go? Did James make it? How was the riding?


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I made it (late brother was moving slow after Saturday). Weather was great, track was a little dry and felt slick to me.

Took a lap on the trails with Steve at first so I could get the CR good and heavy with mud to soften that midrange hit. I took one lap around the track afterwards then back to the truck to gather the guts to attempt some of those jumps. They all looked really peaked and dangerous (too much Thunder Valley).

Met Gomer and Ivan...GREAT guys!

Gomer is in fact a male of the species and I don't think I was able to make him look petite. I can say that the rumors about the 330 lb donut eating 747 are untrue. Gomer was kinda hanging around me for a while on the track to get a good idea of how bad I was "sandbagging" and then he left me like I was sitting still. I never caught up with him again, but I did se he and Travis in the air occassionally when I'd look around.

Ivan and I are a bit closer in lap times but he can make about 50% more of the jumps than I can. He added several to his portfolio while I followed along. I did manage to case every jump I attempted on the last lap before blowing my rear tire. I told you I was heavy.

Even though it appeared to some that I was sandbagging.....I think the truth about my fear of the bike was confirmed when they found out I was putzing around the track a gear high with two teeth less on the rear sprocket (I forgot to mention the 12oz flywheel weight). Somehow that thing still gets away from me.

Looking forward to doing it again. Hopefully we can get the whole group together at once in the near future.
Last edited:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
It was good riding with you James. As you can tell, I like to take a lot of breaks :)

I hope you make it out this weekend.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Anybody else notice it was james' friend on Saturday and his brother by Sunday? Does that mean we'll be related next time, JP? :D

I thought the picture Ivan got of me sitting in your lap made me look petite. :o

You were sandbagging! Anybody that says, "I really want to try at least one of the doubles today", and then goes out and jumps several of them is a sandbagger!

Travis was moving, wasn't he? When I ride with him I just try to see how long it takes for him to pass me. I did manage to slam a block pass or two on him when he wasn't expecting it, too!

I thought I had the title for the high gear / low rpm rider, but you may have unseated me.

I can't wait for next weekend, maybe I'll find a way to tame the power of the mighty 267 so I won't be so scared.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
Anybody else notice it was james' friend on Saturday and his brother by Sunday? Does that mean we'll be related next time, JP? :D

I think Dave was still having some short term memory loss as a result of testing the track surface with his head!! :scream: Like I said in the other thread...he was calling me Scott for a while. I don't know though, I can see some resemblance tween you and I Gomer.

I think my exact words were "hopefully, I can clear some jumps today". I told you previously that I could clear a few of them INCLUDING the first jump in Ivan's rythym section. It is obvious that you don't like people that can pull a taller gear at lower rpm than yourself ;) (would that be putz envy :eek: ). If anybody wants to challenge my title, it isn't anything for me to whip out 5th gear on those big tabletops and the triple in the corner. I liken my technique to a tall gear belly flop.

You gonna get the mighty 267 ported like you were saying of just ride it like it is. When I was watching did look like the bike was riding you every now and then. Travis is quick....jumps everything out there too.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I really liked my telling of the story better! :confused:

I think I'm going to try my Shorty silencer. That made a big difference when the motor was stock.

I wasn't riding the bike, I was chasing it!

Travis has always been a jumping fool. At Turkey Creek there is a 110' uphill triple that he was jumping when he first started in the D class!


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Well, like I said, when you are ready for another Turkey Creek visit, let me know. I can't keep up with you quick guys yet but I'll be glad to help you chase your bike (or just bail and have mine chase yours). I kinda like being misted during the breaks.

Yeah, maybe your version was better :think:

Out of curiosity, does the shorty silencer shift the power up or down? I have the one that came with mine but I took it off to put the spark arrestor on.


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by JamesP

I think Dave was still having some short term memory loss as a result of testing the track surface with his head!! :scream:
Brutal, just Brutal. So your saying that during the crash, Dear old Dave protected my bike with his head? Wow, I didn't know he cared that much.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by MikeT
So your saying that during the crash, Dear old Dave protected my bike with his head? Wow, I didn't know he cared that much.
Hey, who loves ya? :silly:

Originally posted by Scott
I think Dave was still having some short term memory loss as a result of testing the track surface with his head!! Like I said in the other thread...he was calling me James for a while.
What can I say, other than I'm an idiot. I am the worst with names, no, really "I" am THE worst! :ugg: I forgot my wife's name for like, ... about a year, ... finally looked at her drivers license, don't ask me what her maiden name was, is?? :scream: . So, Bill, Ed, George, Fred, are we all going to be at STP on Sunday? :D

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Yep, his head definitely paid the price to save the bike! :scream:

JP, maybe the weekend after Memorial Day. I have to check with the boss for what my plans are. :confused:


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I'll be out of town that one (June 1 and 2)...see, I'm backing out already. We'll get it figured out.

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