too weak....can't go on...


Oct 16, 2000
Hey guys, Just wanted to tell you of the horribly barren part of my life that I am in, I sold my 86' Yz 250 in september and am in the process of buying a 97 YZ 250 it just seems like it's been such a long time since I've been riding and I just am so dicouraged because the money isn't flowing into the savings account like I've wanted, I've even sold all the stuff I don't need like my VW baja bug and even the old stock wheels off my truck, is anyone else going through this dry spell so we can sit in our misery together? And why on earth did I plan on buying a new bike DURING the good season??? sometimes I amaze myself. I've got 2000.00 and still going strong. Oh yeah also I wanted a 98 but since I can't get a green sticker for it I wasn't going to get one, anyone in So Cal have a red sticker that trail rides and want to share your experience with a red sticker to me???


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I feel for ya. I'm in sort of the same boat. Sold my '00 CR250 a little over a year ago, and I can't seem to get my finances in order. We're hacking everything unnecessary out of our budget, but it just isn't getting nay easier. Everytime I get some $$$ in savings, one of our cars ends up in the shop, or the kids need something, or it's a holiday or b'day. I'm going insane. The harder I work & more I make, the less time and money I have to spend. This can't be right!:ugg:
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