Top end frequency


Apr 6, 2003
I just wanted to get some feedback on how frequently everyone
rebuilds their top end. I checked Eric Gorr's website because
he seems like a wealth of two stroke knowledge, and he was
suggesting every 10 hours for 125's and 20 hours for 250's.
If I had the time and patience that would be great, but it's
not going to happen. I have about 50 hours on my '02 200, and
I was going to pull the top end, check the piston and ring
tolerances (replace if necessary) and clean the KIPS valve. I
was planning sticking with this schedule (every 50 hours), assuming
that no problems crop up and all other routine maintenance is
completed. Anyone in KDX land have any thoughts on the subject?

Fuzzy Dice

Trial Subscriber
Jul 8, 2002
I believe for the KDX it's 100 hours with normal woods riding and less if it's raced


Oct 29, 2002
i take my top end apart yearly, usually at the begining of the season, probably replace the rings every other year, or every year depending on their condition and replace the piston when it looks bad, at the least i clean the kips every year
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