What a great day at the 500! The only place you could spin a tire was in the creek crossing. DWreck roosted himself, :debil:. I've never experienced traction like today, even in a section that for the past nine years has sucked. 24 + miles and plenty of smiles, :). Thanks for the invite guys!
Any chance of someone riding this coming Friday - Monday? I have a 4 day weekend and really need to get some riding time in before the bike falls apart from lack of use.
maybe we can do both. I have tentative plans to ride the 500 on Friday. Saturday or Sunday here at Draper would be good as well. Got your pm on the ride in March. I should be able to do Sat, Sun, and Monday. Keep me appraised as it nears, and let me know when this weekend you would like to ride. The more the merrier.
If I thought I could go a 1/8th mile without puking my guts out or squirtin' out the other end, I might consider it therapy, right now it would be torture!:yikes: