Trail pack supplies


Mar 17, 2004
I just picked up a 1988 KDX 200 and I'm working on a list for trail pack supplies, as I'm sure the old beast will need it at some point. I do have a couple questions below, here is my list so far:

Spark Plug
Crescent wrench
Small vice grip
Small First Aid Kit
Common Nuts/Bolts
Hose clamps
Tire/tube patch kit
Bailing Wire
Spare Tube

and most importantly
Duct Tape

I might need to pull a trailer for all this crap, but I'll try to fit it between my CamelBak and fender tool bag. Just not a fan of pushing my bike out of the woods. My questions are regarding the spare tube - is there a tube that could work in either 80/100-21 or 110/100-18 in a pinch? Any recommends for tire levers that would be good for a trail pack? Any blatant omissions from the list? Yeah I know, a cold six pack :thumb:


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
Possibly a 1/4" drive ratchet w/ 8mm, 10mm & 12mm sockets. You may want to look into a pocket tool that would contain many of the necessary tools and maybe a leatherman-like tool. I've even seen them w/ locking pliers. Don't forget power bars or trail mix. Fixin' bikes in the woods builds up an apetite in a hurry. Spark plug wrench or Fredette's wrench that combines spark plug, axle bolt sizes and could eliminate the need for a crescent wrench.

Just my $0.02


Mar 17, 2004
Thanks for the tips guys. Wibby, that's a nice tool bag you got going there, where'd you score that? I assume the folding saw is for hacking off appendages left dangling after crashes :laugh:


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

That is a nice set-up. BTW, I think your KDx has more pink logo on the seat than mine, no fair. :laugh: Gotta love those early 90's graphics, huh?

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
I think you would also include a master link for your chain with pliers (may be in your combo wrenches, etc.) to install. You will also find cable ties and a rag useful in many instances. I also carry a small roll of electrical tape. I put spark plugs and other things that I do not want to get wet into zip lock plastic bags. Be sure you have a screwdriver small enough to adjust the carb. Open end wrenches or pliers to permit cable adjustments.
Lists in previous posts are important, but some of what you carry depends on where you ride, with whom and how far you are from your base.


Feb 23, 2003
I agree with all the above plus a couple extra I take along. A small 1" "C" clamp weighs almost nothing but works great for those "O" ring master links. Extra 2-Stroke oil. Our last "C" ride an individual ran out of gas 17 miles into the ride. He swears it was full at the staging area. I carry 4oz. of oil in 2 Nalgene bottles tucked away in the right radiator shroud. Always on the bike & out of the way. Another rider on a fourstroke with a 3.5 gallon tank donated fuel & we mixed it on the spot.

domino dave

Sep 24, 2003
I heard of a guy that carried a come-along small enough to fit in his camelbak.... Ever had your bike over the side of a cliff?


Jan 8, 2000
domino dave said:
I heard of a guy that carried a come-along small enough to fit in his camelbak.... Ever had your bike over the side of a cliff?
I helped someone get a big quad back up from 20' below off the trail he had a comealong and it was across the narrow trail so there was really no choice but to help :laugh: I Carry aspare link which I used to get back last weekend and I also carry electrical tape, Duct tape, ZIp-ties, a cool motion pro tool which has sockets and screwdriver bits, I also carry a leatherman tool and some extra bolts. Basically if something ever broke or a bolt fell out on me I now carry a spare bolt for that or a way to fix it now. Especially the zip ties, I have given them away to people for everything from a broke lever to a fallen off muffler.

Mike McGlade

Jan 13, 2000
Spare tube

If space is tight, just carry the 21 inch tube. It'll work in either installation whereas an 18 incher just won't stretch if you flatten the front tire.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
wibby said:
Here's shot of mine:

I also have FRP's rider wrench, Motion Pro chain breaker, small folding pack saw...

To all that laughed at the saw.. I once spent about two hours pounding on a break pedal wrapped around my foot ( with the nicest rock that I could find fo the job :^) ) peg so I could ride the 20 or so miles back to the truck... it was dark when I got there. Hacking it off sounds good to me.

Is that a Moose fender bag, I bought one a while back and I'm concerned the tools will fall out. Have you had any problems?


Nov 18, 2002
wibby said:
small folding pack saw...

I'm guessing the saw has a more utilitarian purpose...cutting branches and the occasional small log thats on or across the trail. Where we ride we've gotta take the quad out with us the first couple times to tote the axe and saw around to clean things up. :-)



Feb 24, 2003
the most important tip i can give you is after you get your tools all together is to use your carry along tools to do all the work on your bike,this practice will show you what you need and what you dont.a kichen sink can also come in handy but how often,and can you get by with out it and use somthing else to get by.moose makes some really niece fanny packs that have a tool compartment that work well to organize your tools.i also have a backpack i use for long rides and it has things in it i might need on such rides like spare tubes-a pair of mochasons(it is a real bitch to walk out in your boots).i always carry a jacket,like a pack-jak and an emergancy blanket it has multipule uses and is light.also a small flashlite ,a is a fact that no matter how many tools etc. you carry you still run a chance you wont be able to fix your bike and our you and may have to spend some time in the woods a few items could save your life or at least make your stay a little more some one mentioned i always have somthing to snack on-thier is nothing worse than being broke down and you are cold and hungry.i have been working on what i carry and when for many years and still take time to go through what i have and add to or take out our move to another pack it is a never ending question.a small bottle of cutters is also a must if the bugs are out see how it goes


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
yes its a Moose fender bag

When I first got it I lost it about 3 or 4 times in one day
(somehow it was slipping out of the buckles)

When I got home I Gooped some Velcro onto the back side of it, have not had any problems since then.

A couple weeks ago, while riding with 'Carvr in really DENSE brush , one of the buckles snagged on a branch or something and I ended up losing my tire guage, one week later 'Carvr says LOOK what I found, yup that was it


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Guess I'll be getting some goop!


May 2, 2002
If you're gonna carry a tube don't forget some CO2 cartridges with a valve adapter. I feel they're easier to carry than a pump.

Also a few hex wrenches in case you tweak a bark buster. Wibby's got that covered...looks like he's carrying the whole set.


May 21, 2001
I think you guys were all good boyscouts. The theme of things seems to be prepared. I agree with most everything. The lighter and flashlight were a couple I carry that were mentioned late. How about those anoying things we all try and get away from?? eh, eh the cell phone. No one mentioned spare spark plugs. I always carry a spare. I really think the oil behind the stroud is a good idea.
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