Transporting My KX250


Sep 7, 2000
Does any one tie their bike down for transport using anything other than staps to the handle bars?

I am curious about two things I have found while looking for a better way to do this. The first is the bike shoe, a metal frame for the front wheel with straps to keep the wheel in place. The second is the Acerbis suspension saver, a plastic peice that goes between the tire and lower fork clamp to keep the suspension from compressing too much.

Do either of these work well, or might I look back to see my new bike tumbling down the highway?

Any responses are appreciated.


Mar 18, 2001
I just cut a piece of wood that was big enough to fit in between the tire and forks. works well 4 me. I get scared thats it gonna fall but, it wont as long as u have the straps on there with something in between the tire and forks.


A Mental Peanut
Jan 31, 2001
i just put a 4x4 in their, and it won't fall out, because i put screws and rubber around the scews sticking out of it. looks like this

-l l


Mar 7, 2001
All I have ever used is straps, no problem ever. I've even taken a 750 street bike from California to Michigan in the back of a pickup that way no problem. Don't use cheap straps, get good ones. I know some people will say that keeping the shocks compressed will sack the springs, but I've never had a problem with that either.


Apr 2, 2001
We dont use straps. We built these tire stands for our trailer. It's basically a stand that the front tire slides into and then a hoop atached to the stand goes over top and holds the tire in. We got the idea out of dennis kirk catalog. I'll see about taking a few picts here in the next day or two. These work great because it's not hard on the front forks on long trips.:)


Jul 26, 1999
ATK Bike Shoe

I use the ATK bike shoe that Holeshot Engineering sells. It clamps the front wheel down great. I use a couple of tie-downs on the foot pegs just to keep her from sliding side to side.....When I used to just tie down the front, I used a 2x4 between the front wheel and the fender to keep the front fork seals from leaking.......
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