Trouble starting


Oct 29, 2002
I have 2002 YZ 125 Yamaha .I let my friend borrow it went through a puddle of water and died. Drained all the water i could I've clean my carb. out found water and mud. Air filter was soaked and I took my exhaust off And let it air out but still no luck.I dont have any more water in it . I have fire going to the spark plug plenty of gas but will not start. help :ugg:


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
There's a possibility that there may be water in the cases, install your spark plug, kick it over and then pull out the spark plug.. If there is water on the tip, there is water in the cases and you should get it out ASAP, wouldn't want the crank to rust..
Hope this helps you out,


Take the ignition cover off (left side) and blow dry it or let it air out for a while. Drain the oil in the case and replace it. If it contains water (milky looking), keep adding and draining case oil (or use ATF, it's cheaper) until there is no more water in the oil. If it is muddy and/or gritty, time to split the cases. Drain the float bowl and then turn the gas on to let some fresh drain through for a few seconds, then shut gas off and put plug back in bowl. Remove the air filter, clean it, oil it and replace it. Also take the pipe off and make sure it isn't holding any water. And change the plug like mentioned above if there is any doubt about its condition. That should do it.
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