Trouble viewing photos???


May 2, 2002
I'm hoping someone can help.

Even though I'm a registered user, I'm having trouble vewing photos.

There's a couple of links posted in the "Radio Traffic" post that I can't open up. When I click on the link it says something to the effect of, "I must be a regitered user to view photos. Please click on "register" in the above menu." When I do that I get a message that says I'm already a registered user.

What gives! Can a moderator or someone else in the know please help me out?

I've never considered myself the Village Idiot but from time to time I have been known to overlook the obvious. Am I doing something wrong or is this some type of forum software glitch?

Thanks in advance for your help,


May 2, 2002
Thanks Wibby! I owe you one!

Also, thanks for not roasting me for not searching. In the future, I'll search before I post...I promise!

Ride on,
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