TTR125 Carburetor Problems!


Jun 5, 2006
I tried starting the bike a few days ago and I couldn't get the choke to pull out all the way, so I investigated. I tried unscrewing this and I finally did and noticed there was some corrosion inside. But I still could NOT get it to pull out all the way. I see in the manual that it shows this cable coming right out, but for the life of me I can't get it out. And I see nothing inside the carb holding it in there

Heres a picture from the manual



Jun 6, 2007
What you need to do is compress the spring that pushes the plunger/needle (for lack of a better word) back down and then you will be able to remove the cable from the plunger/needle.

Clean the plunger/needle assembly, lube the cable up real good or replace if necessary, and clean the part of the carb where the choke goes in and you should be good as new.


EDIT: sorry I just realized what you were asking, you can't get the needle out of the carb at all?? There shouldn't be anything holding it in, spray some carb cleaner in there di disolve the gunk and yank it out.

Good luck


Jun 5, 2006
Alright, I KIND OF follow that... I compress the spring back into the carb, then what? I can't compress it all the way down, but I can pick it all the way up and see where the cable is inside the carb. Do I need to unscrew the part where the cable is attached to inside the carb???


Jun 6, 2007
I'm sorry, I likely confused you. I wrote my response in two parts. First I though you couldn't get the needle off the cable, but after I re-read your original post I realized you aren't even able to needle out of the carb at all...correct???

If that's your problem, all you need to do is spray some carb cleaner around where the choke needle goes into the carb (shown in picture #1) and work it back and forth until it pulls out. :cool:

Does that make any more sense? :whoa:


Jun 5, 2006
haha, yeah, thats better. Kind of weird though....because this is practically brand new bike and that cable is in there solid... Hmm. I'll keep working it. Thanks!


May 10, 2007
You have a classic case of corroded choke bore. The aluminum carb body corrodes above the plunger and makes it almost impossible to get out. Spray some PB Blaster in there and let it sit for a while. I clamped the cable with a pair of needle nose Vise Grips and pried up on them to yank the plunger out. It is however quite possible you will break the cable doing this. Once you get it out be sure to use a generous amount of waterproof grease on the top side of the plunger to prevent further corrosion.
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