Tuesday Report... Fist full of throttle...


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
Well... I finally got to go pick up my bike today. My heart was beating so fast when I pulled up to my friends driveway and saw my beautiful bike there. He obviously didn't really take care of it and it needs a good cleaning. But anyways. I finally had my bike in my possession. I rushed to the track, and drove around to find a parking spot. Parked next to these 2 other trucks. Before I could even put my foot out of my truck a guy comes running up to me asking me if I needed help getting my bike out. I said yea, since I didn't have a bike stand to use as a step. They were really nice and I chatted with them all night long. Well, they loved my new hotwheels helmet, they told me it was too pretty to wear. LOL. Well first practice comes up and I did okay. Well, for being the first time back on the bike in over a month. My bike acted funny though. Something wasn't right. I complained to "the guys" and they looked my bike over. They checked the needle, and some other stuff. Said it should be okay. Next practice came out my bike was bogging so bad. I was going crazy on the jumps. So I bring it back to the guy and said its worse. He asked if he could ride it and I watched him ride, and I told the guy next to me I'm riding it wrong. Thats the problem. Well sure enough he comes back and says I need to downshift and give it more gas, full throttle most of the time. I say OK. Next pracice comes, my bike feels alot better, he cleared out most of that crap that was in it. I was giving it gas downshifting, upshifting. Cleared a few tabletops. Didn't do any of the doubles or triples because I told my dad I wouldn't until I got my knee braces in... That was the deal we made. I did fall once in a corner when my front end washed out. I got a minor bruise and a minor cut on my elbow... (which adds to the collection of ones already there) Well 3 kids got hurt really bad. I never saw so many ambluences at a race track before. There were red lights everywhere. Well it came to my last practice session of the day, and there was a helicopter and these red lights just filled up the track. You could see them from where ever you were. It scared me. Gave me the chills to be riding and seeing those blinking red lights. I started thinking. I don't wanna ride home in those. I started freaking out. Something I have never done before. I immediately told myself I had to stop and starting thinking about riding and how I was going to clear this jump. Well. I come up to the double section and I landed wrong and grabbed a fist full of throttle by accident,feet flew off the pegs the bike almost went without me and I almost crashed (would have landed on my butt) but I held on I wouldn't let go Only part of me that was on the bike were my hands on the handlbars. I held on trying to pull my body back on the bike while giving the bike full throttle I came up to the face of the next jump and Up I went and I got my feet back on the pegs in the air, and I cleared the second double by accident. Good thing I went far enough. It was a sight to see and hard to explain, but I'm so glad I managed to keep my bike on two wheels... well for the most part. So I changed clothes and walked away from my truck for a second, and next thing ya know I turn around and the guys are loading my bike for me... :cool: :D :confused: He also is going to fax me directions to a few new tracks that opened up in the past month. :) So overall I guess I had a good day got my bike and I got to ride, but it was also a bad day because I heard so many horror stories of accidents and witnessed the most serious crashes I have ever seen in one night. It really kind of scared me. I have never feared getting hurt before. :think


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Congrats on getting the bike :)
I hope your parents weren't there this time, as it could have freaked
them out as well. Good thing you didn't get hurt, sorry to hear about
all the others though :(
As for fearing being mortal, sorry, there's nothing we can do about
that, except be as careful as possible within the sport - it is a
high risk (especially MX).
Sounds like a great bunch of guys to help out a damsel in distress :)
Glad you're okay & take care :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Were they cute? Gosh, I love riding! You meet the nicest people . . . ;)

Congrats on that save. That sounds impressive. I've done that and I DIDN'T save it and it was gnarly.

Good job and keep riding! Some of Bbbom's advice in the weekend report thread might help you out too . . . she's getting all spiritual and in touch with her inner self and stuff. LOL Just kidding, it all makes sense.


Aug 13, 1999
Originally posted by firecracker22
. . . she's getting all spiritual and in touch with her inner self and stuff. LOL Just kidding, it all makes sense.

Bahahahahaha, I not getting in touch with my inner self, it's my inner CHILD!!! What else could posess a woman at my age to buy all the toys I have in the last few years?!!:scream:

Actually it is kinda interesting that I find these articles (man things are sssllloooww at work now) and they say what all my old coaches used to tell me! Hmmmm maybe they weren't all that dumb afterall.


Glad you saved it! The bad crashes are a serious reality in racing of any kind. I have watched many members of my family get hauled off by ambulances and helicopters. None have had any serious complications except one uncle who will never have a normal life again (he wasn't racing but was tuning a racing snowmobile). I also still feel the effects of some of my mistakes in my younger days!

I let my kids race and it scares the heck out of me, especially my son because he is getting fast and loves the jumps. My daughter is getting pretty fast too and has no fear so it will be even more difficult for me to take it easy watching them now. I just keep telling them to keep it under control and to not ride over their heads. I also impress upon them that a bad crash will not only break the bike, preventing them from riding trails with me until it can be fixed but also that it may affect them physically for the rest of their lives. I am not sure how much longer I will let them race though. They are so little and I don't think I could stand to see one of them seriously hurt.

My son asked me this morning why it hurt to get old. I had to laugh and explain that it all depends on how you treat your bod when your young.

If you are going to pursue this sport, keep your body in the best physical shape you can. Take time to learn How to ride properly.

Do not ever take the dangers of this sport lightly, they can affect you for the rest of your life and you have a long time left. Don't be scared but do be prepared! (Hey I made a rhyme ;))


Jul 12, 2001
wow, sounds like an awesome (and lucky!) save for you...
when riding the track, it's kinda scary how quickly things can go wrong...
my bike does the same thing..not sure what you're riding, I'm assuming it's a 2 stroke though...
I've gotta keep it revved at all times, otherwise the carb starts getting clogged, and it won't run well....
and you've gotta have the throttle when you need it for the jumps. Every so, I just take it and blow it out, helps alot...


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
Firecracker.... I think I know how you feel now. Today I went and rode trails for the first time. I thought I had no fear, until I was going downhill into a turn missed the turn and ran into a tree, thank god it was only a baby tree. :eek: :silly: and boy do those asterick knee braces keep you from feeling any pain when you fall...I remember thinking... geez I think that was supposed to hurt, but it didn't at all. Anyways.. I kept stalling my bike at the entrance of these mild (and I mean very mild) trails. Things I know I can do, I couldn't do because there were trees around me or I was just intimidated. This was my first time free riding in the open. I have always gone to tracks since the first day I started riding. I wasn't prepared for this unpredicable terrain. The face of some jumps were all bumpy and were throwing my bike all differnt directions. It frustrates me because I know I could have done that stuff easily. I refrained from getting mad and just kept a slow, very slow pace. Then I stopped for a minute to talk to my friend started up my bike to go check out this jump and my bike goes wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... dead. :think I hope that it is only a fouled plug. I can't check it because I don't have the right tools. I hope I can get it fixed for tomorrow, it will be my parents first time to see me ride my dirtbike!!! :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Good luck fixing your bike! Trail riding really is a whole different ballgame. I really enjoy it although it is the hardest thing I can possibly do to bike, body and mind. I didn’t ride much this weekend—played pit tootsie for Steve :confused: at the 24-hour race :eek: --and I’m ready to race in two weeks at the next hare scramble. The trails are wide and there’s lots of moto. I can’t wait.

I hope you try trail riding again! I know a lot of mx racers think that trail riding is for old slow people on XRs but there are lots of fast riders on 125s too. I think that bombing through the trees as fast as you can go is a way better rush than a mx track, although I do enjoy both. And both types of riding are good practice for the other.
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