Valve Adjustment


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
One other tip about this forum... You can click on the person's name and see all the posts they've made. You can also do a search of their name and find posts they've contributed.

Do it on my name, and you'll find not a single worthwhile piece of dirtbike information. Now you could do that on the other names who offered you advice....and then weigh carefully what they said to you, and decide "hmm. Which of these folks sounds knowledgable."

Just a little tip on using forums.


Apr 28, 2008
You guys (girls) are tough!! Can I ask a simple question about my TTR125L?? I've never done anything but change oil, and R&R wheel/suspension bearings. Should I be checking my valves for clearance, and is there any other important periodic maintenance items that I've been missing?? Thanks in advance.


May 10, 2007
It's not a bad idea, but they don't tend to wear as much as a high performance bike. Air filter cleaning wasn't mentioned?


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
davefordham: howdy and welcome!!

My TTR125L manual identifies the following "regular inspection and adjustments" and maintenance intervals (assuming the initial 10 hour inspections were done, and with the usual caveats about conditions, how hard you ride, etc....some of these seem kind of far between, to me...):

Every Ride:
Front brake
Rear brake
Drive chain-check chain slack; make sure rear wheel is properly aligned

60 hours
Fuel Line
Spark Plug
Air Filter
Exhaust systems (check for leaks, retighten if necessary; replace gasket if necessary)
Wheels: balance, runout, spoketightness/damage
Tires: tread depth, damage, air pressure
Wheel bearings
Swingarm- check for pivoting point play; lubricate w/molybdenum disuflide grease
Front Fork: operation and oil leakage
Rear shock assembly- operation and leakage
Chassis Fasteners- all nuts and bolts tight.

120 hours:
Valve clearances
Steering bearings
Spark arrestor

In the pre ride inspection it identifies:
Fuel; engine oil;
gear shifter and clutch;
throttle grip housing (freeplay/lubricate as necessary);
brakes, drivechain-slack, alignment, oil;
wheels- wear, tire pressure, spoke tightness, no excessive play; steering- no excessive play, smooth turning;
front and rear shock- no leaks, operate smoothly;
cables- smooth, not caught up in handlebars or forks; muffler- tight, no cracks; sprocket- nut not loose (I'd also check tooth wear);
bolts, nuts, lubrication; lead indicators: cdi magneto, cdi unit, and ignition coil are connected tightly.

You'd do really well to invest in the service manual. I ordered mine off the Yamaha site.
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