scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Thumbs, Eel and I will be entered in this event, we are on row 10. :cool:

I hope to see some of you there. FYI the D class does 1 pretty easy loop. C class and up get a second much more fun and spirted loops through the mountains. :aj:

Here's the info.

2004 Ventura County MC

Family first loop
One loopers = 35 miles
A, B, C = 75 miles
A, B, C, D drawn separately!
Class by engine size
ATV friendly first loop!

Sign up Sat. 3-5 p.m.
Sun. 6:30 - 9 a.m.
Drawing by Postmark
Post May 12
$39 pre entry
$48 post
$5 parking
$5 of entry fee goes
toward District 37
legal defense fund

No riders under 12 years old
AMA & D-37 membership
required, may be purchased
at signup. Green or red
sticker and spark arrestor
muffler required

All out-of-state riders must
obtain a non-resident green

Motorcycles manufactured
before January 1, 1998 must
meet 101dB sound limit
Motorcycles manufactured
after January 1, 1998 must
meet 96 dB sound limit
USFS run sound check

Info: 805-485-5271 [email protected]

May 16th - Hungry Valley SVRA Park, Gorman, CA
2004 Best of the West Series • Pays Desert and Enduro Points
No timekeeping required - 8 a.m. start - gates open 6 a.m.
Pits I-5 MX track - Quail Canyon.

From L.A. Smokey Bear exit to Peace Valley Rd.
From Bakersfield or Lancaster Quail Lake exit to Peace Valley Rd.
Finisher pins free to all who qualify and event t-shirts for sale


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I'm going to cover Rd.6 of the Nats in D38 on the 15th and then try and make VCMC on the 16th., that is if the snake don't eat me :yikes:


Apr 6, 2002
well there are rather do's and have to do's and this weekend I got a have to do. But if you ask me there too young to get married anyway.


Mar 9, 2004
brett r said:
Im riding with Andy on minute 2, I will be there Sat and may try and do some laps on the moto x track.

You Cheatin', pre-riding Bastige... Man, some guys never learn!!! :laugh:

Actually, one of the VCMC guys posted on the D37 board that they aren't going to use the MX track this year, just staging from there. But you can practice on it both days. Of course, they could just be BSing us.

I won't be out until Sun. morn, so it's gonna be a busy morning for me.


Jan 27, 2000
scar tissue said:
Thumbs, Eel and I will be entered in this event, we are on row 10. :cool:

I hope to see some of you there. FYI the D class does 1 pretty easy loop.

meet 96 dB sound limit
USFS run sound check


Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun with this enduro stuff. Do they have a codger class or would I have to ride with the wimmins? Gawd, I hate getting beat by wimmins. :yikes:

Also, how do they check for the 96 db limit? At what angle and at what distance.??

Good luck everyone. :thumb:

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Ol'89r said:

Also, how do they check for the 96 db limit? At what angle and at what distance.??

Good luck everyone. :thumb:

The Enduro races are great fun. There a fast pace trail ride with your buddies and you don't wait for anyone. This race needs no timekeeping. Its full of special tests where you go as fast as you can. then trail ride to the next test section. It's almost a mix of Enduro and a GP.

Re: sound check. Sadly they are pretty strict about it. I had a nightmare last year with my 250f with the E series pipe. I was scambling to remove disks, retest, then remove more disks to pass before the start. then my jetting was messed up having the exhaust choked off so much.

FYI every clapped out old 2 stroke passed easily. Some clean burning 4 strokes did not. They measure sound from the side at about 12" I believe. The E series sound comes out the side so its not good for sound checks.

Ironically the test is really skewed, as there is no tach etc. They put something on your fender then say rev it up. just do it slowly and keep the bike in gear seems to lower the noise.

What pipe are you running, as you need a sparky on that 450F.

The old and creaky class is availible. I've been tryin gto get in it for years because I've definitely got the creaky part down. :worship:

Hope to see you there!!! :cool:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Ol'89r said:

Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun with this enduro stuff. Do they have a codger class or would I have to ride with the wimmins? Gawd, I hate getting beat by wimmins. :yikes:

Also, how do they check for the 96 db limit? At what angle and at what distance.??

Good luck everyone. :thumb:

I rode the "one looper" last year, and it was 35 miles of easy trail. No timekeeping, really, just stop at the special tests and haul arse when they tell you to go and then at the end of the special test, stop and they'll mark your time (your score is based on how fast you rode the many special tests). The sections between the special tests can be ridden a brisk (not race) pace. You will encounter checks along the non-race portions of the track. Just wait there and go when your minute comes up (they'll let you know). The purpose of the check is not to "fool" you, like in a traditional western enduro, but just to keep the riders spread out on the trail.

I don't think you should miss this one (but I will :| )


Jan 27, 2000
scar tissue said:
What pipe are you running, as you need a sparky on that 450F.

Tim. I can put my stock pipe back on with the Moto Billet quiet tip. It has a spark arrester. Claims to be 96 db.

Just wanted to check it with a db meter before driving out and getting turned down.

Thanks for the info. :thumb:

Old an creaky.


Feb 17, 2004
When they say no time keeping required, does that mean no route sheet or jart charts? I'm guessing they just write down your times in the special test areas and thats it. Is there time for gas between laps? I know thats alot of questions but I'm trying to make my mind up if I'm going or not. Bottom line is this a fun race?

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Yes it's a fun race, yes there are gas stops after each loop. and no route sheets that I am aware of. They mark your time when you start the special tests and when you end. that's it. The 2nd loop is definintly the better/ harder ride.


Apr 6, 2002
:bang: :ugg: :(

maybe if I get really drunk at the wedding Ill feel better.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
oldandslo said:
If I go what do I need to do? If I get there early Sunday with a bunch of cash, will I be good to go.

Better yet, just send me the cash :cool:

Yes, thats correct. If your not a D37 member yet you'll have to sign up for that also. It really doesn't take to long. Less than an hour,although the line gets long the closer to race time. The first row leaves at 8. I'd try to be there at least by 7. My guess is you'll get on a late minute and won't start till close to 9. Unless they let you squeeze into our minute. I don't know for sure if it's full. There are 3 of us on minute 10.


Dec 15, 2000
I'll be there in the 100's camp. We are post entering and should be on a late minute. Where will you guys be?

Next year I get to ride the codger class with you Terry. Can't wait to pick on those 50 year olds!


Aug 29, 2001
Thanks Tim. I'll be trying to get there around 6.
If I can get the same minute as you guys, that should leave me enough time to get ready.
85 miles has me worried. Its a good thing I have lots of sick time available. I think I'll need it Monday.


Feb 17, 2004
Weather flash! Its getting hot up here.By 10:00 this morning you could feel the heat and its been going up. Just looked and its 85 in the shade @ 11:30. Bring the bathing suits the pool will be open after the race.


Apr 6, 2002
tator said:
Weather flash! Its getting hot up here.By 10:00 this morning you could feel the heat and its been going up. Just looked and its 85 in the shade @ 11:30. Bring the bathing suits the pool will be open after the race.

Costco had 2 pack Mister cool at 26 bux :clue:


Feb 17, 2004
Weather update COOOLLLLL. The weather has cooled off alot, this morning we had low clouds and a nice breeze. Its 1 pm and the clouds have kind of burnt off but it is not bad. It should be even better on Sunday. They had the I-5 in Castaic down to one lane last night until this morning about 7 I called CHP and they said no resrictions tonight though.I'm going to Gorman at 3 to pay so I wont have to wait in line tomorrow, they're saving me a spot on minute 17, If I can get a shady spot I'll rope it off today. 76 in the shade at 1 pm


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000

It's Thursday already, and we haven't heard any race reports.


Aug 29, 2001
I don't know about the others,but I've been to sore to even type. Eel, Thumbs, Scar, Tator, Mello Yeller and I were able to meet up before the race. Tator did one loop. The way I have been feeling all week, that is what I should have done.

Scar and Mello had separate incidents that slowed them way down. I had one get off in a sharp turn in deep sand. Deep sand gives me trouble if I have to turn.

The race was a blast. The first loop in Hungry Valley the second in the forest. On the second loop I was going about as fast as I could the whole time. I was getting to the check points with only 1 or 2 minutes to spare. On the course I was passed by at least twice as many as I could pass.

I had a blast. It was fun riding around the valley at those speeds. At one point when I thought I was going pretty fast over this little hill, I get passed by this guy who uses that hill for a jump. He goes past me about 6 feet in the air and travels another 30 feet before touching down. I've only seen that on TV.

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