VForce or RAD


Jan 9, 2004
I have a KDX 220 with Rev pipe and do 90 percent woods and trail riding. Any suggestions on which system to install. VForce or RAD? Opinions appreciated, thanks.


Jan 9, 2004
Yes, I read the hop up guide, but still wasn't sure which one. More opinions, the better. I've spoken to two Kawaski dealerships and one said VForce and the other said RAD. I think the important thing to know is that I have the FMF rev pipe and do mostly woods riding so the better for me would probably be the one with more lower end response and power. Just haven't found out which one that is.


Nov 11, 2002
You can change the tention of the reeds on the DFII to make it have more low end or more top end top end.


Dec 27, 2002
Try a search on "DF II" and you'll get more replies like this one...

The DFII may be my favorite mod! I've never run a RAD valve, but the general conscensus is that you're better off spending your $$ on reeds alone (vs. the RAD) if you aren't going for the DFII. The Mototassinari product just works so well with this bike! I've got a "cleaner" running bike with more low end and a more "effortless" rev on top. It actually seems like the whole powerband is "heartier", if that means anything to you :cool: I was after low-end - and I now have noticeably more power on more technical hill-climbs and less chance of stalling.



Jul 19, 2002
I had the RAD valve on my 96 KDX200 and put on a DF II. The throttle response with the DF was unbelievable. I liked the DF much better than the Rad valve.


Jan 20, 2003
I would go with the rad valve- less reeds to mess with. On the DFII i have heard that people are haveing trouble with the Hi tension and are sticking with the low tension- with the Rad valve you get the best of both worlds a low and a high with out having to take apart your bike to get a diffrent response. But many people will disagree with me on what is better- Hey Jeff Fredette if you know how that is recomends the Rad valve over the DFII, go to his site he'll tell you all of his hop up tricks.


Oct 14, 1999
I've run them both. The DFII wins hands down.

Yeah, the radvalve does indeed have fewer reeds to mess with. That's a good thing because you'll be changing them often! My radvalve reeds were toast in less than a year.

After eighteen months reeds from a DFII (on a kdx ridden the same # of hours) were perfect.

Honestly the # of reeds has nothing to do with deciding which one works best, does it? One cage is 45º construction, one is 30º (or so). One has two reeds, one has eight.

As sure as gravity (still sucked last I checked) there is a difference between the two.

I wouldn't bend over to pick up a free radvalve unless I knew I could sell it to someone to make it worth the effort. ;)

To each his own.


Jan 20, 2003
well i'll wait and see how long my reeds last, if they break i will buy a DFII. But untill now i'm sticking with my rad valve. I have not ridden for 8 months, it will be at least another 3 months before i ride again. Thanks for the info- i'll keep it in mind.


Oct 14, 1999
The radvalve reed longevity came from a year of riding..not a year of storage. That particular year there was hardly a weekend we didn't ride...and 'ride' meaning something along the lines of 40 miles of single track.

I wouldn't expect the same result with a ride frequency including an 11month hiatus.

I know you like the radvalve. You know I don't. The point is there are different points of view. If having run both you choose the radvalve over the DFII, moh pawr to 'ya!!
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