W.E.R. damper oil change???


Apr 16, 2002
i have a wer damper and i wan 2 change the oil in it to the 10weight. it is 2x the normal oil so i guess it should make the dampening harder. now ive read the manual but i am unclear on how to do it. i know to take it off then put it in a vice grip. now is where i get confused. i take the crank arm off the bleed screw and the adjuster screw off. now when i take the adjuster screw by just turning it the direction as if im reducing the dampening.is that right? now is it necessary to purge trapped oil? does it always need this? also i am changing to 10wt oil. has anyone ever done this? what is it like?


Apr 16, 2002
some1 respond. also is it completely nesissary to remove the crank arm? i cant see why i would need to do it.


Aug 2, 2000
If you can get both the bleed screw and the adjusting screw off without removing the arm then you are ok. I can't on mine.

10 wt. wont hurt any thing but it will be stiffer. Just turn the adjusting screw out farther.

Follow the instructions in the manual so that you get both the old oil and any air out of the unit. It's not hard.

Hope this helps.
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