WA HB3016 - ORV use of city streets


Jul 3, 2002
On Monday Washington State House of Representatives members Judy Warnick and Bill Hinkle will introduce HB3016.

(see link below)

This bill in concerning allowing additional local jurisdictions to allow off-road vehicles to operate on designated city and county roadways. :ride:

In 2006 HB2617 was passed and it allowed cities with a population of under 3000 to designate roads that go directly to an ORV area open to ORV use. This new bill HB3016 would modify that law by dropping the maximum population and direct route requirements. :cool:

This policy works well in Idaho, would be handy for us and would help the economy of rural cities.

If you like this idea let your Washington State House of Representatives member know.

If you don't know who they are or how to contact them you can find that information at the link below:

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