welding on exhaust


Jan 11, 2010
Just wondering,would it hurt to weld up a crack on the fat part of the pipe on a 2 stroke.It had dent in it and it finally cracked.Can I weld it up on the bike,or should I pull it off???


Apr 27, 2001
Remove your pipe prior to having it repaired. Welding it while on your bike could set your bike on fire. :whoa:


Jan 11, 2010
very true,Being a 2stroke theres prob oil residue on the inside huh??I was worried more about hurting something electrical on the bike.


Nov 10, 2008
lit549 said:
very true,Being a 2stroke theres prob oil residue on the inside huh??I was worried more about hurting something electrical on the bike.

interesting on the elctrical issues, most vehicles/manuals will tell you to disconnect the batteries when welding,is that for the components or for the batteries possibly blowing up, does it matter on magnetos?

I have seen plenty of people weld something on cars and trucks without ever disonnecting anything electrical with no ill effects .I don't know though if I read or someone tells me to disconnect the batteries the amount of time it takes to disconnect hardly seems like any trouble compared to listening to horror stories.

in your case the pipe is poing to be easy enough to pull off and put on a bench. make yourself clean and comfortable and the weld will probably be a little nicer than 1/2 bent over


Apr 27, 2001
Electrical issues can cause damage to any part that is allowed to be in the electrical path. It is very important to place the ground clamp directly on the part being welded.
Electronics can be damaged by the electo magnetic field that occurs around all cables & the work piece when a tig or mig welding torch is powered up. Machines for both processes have capacitors in them that discharge when the arc is started, all wiring connected to electronics acts like antenna & can pick up & back feed a voltage spike by inductance from all & any magnetic fields that are in close proximity to the work being done. This can be problematic, & very expensive, due to ignoring these facts that most people never think about. Don't take chances, take it apart & perform the repair on a work bench AWAY from your bike, or any other electronic devices.
If the repair is done using oxygen/fuel process, expect any 2-stroke exhaust to go bang, at least once. Prepare for it, it WILL happen. DO NOT PLUG THE ENDS OF THE PART, THEY MUST BE LEFT OPEN TO VENT. Never weld on any thing that is a closed up vessel! Doing so is extremely dangerous & can result in fatality, this is no joke.

P.S. There is residue in side all 2-stroke pipes. Carbon, oil, UN-BURNED FUEL TOO, BEWARE! :yikes:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Along with the points Porkcop noted avoid Brake Cleaner products for the clean up prior to welding. Heating those chemicals can cause some dangerous (sometimes deadly) gases to be produced. Use acetone for the cleanup before and after welding.

Info on brake cleaner phosgene gas poisoning : http://www.brewracingframes.com/id75.htm


Jan 11, 2010
Ya I took it off and had it brazed,it last till about the 2nd time I rode it again,and cracked right down the middle of the pipe!Oh well,time to buy a after market pipe..thanks for the info!!!
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