
May 30, 2002
i want to check out wellsville this summer. i dont really live to far away, maybe an hour or so. i have heard there is a lot of good riding out there, the power lines in those pics on your link look like a lot of fun. im definatly going to have to get a gps so i dont get lost out there because i personally dont know anyone who rides out there an knows there way around.



I went to wellsville for the first time this past week... It is way more extreme than i expected. I am an experienced dirtdike and atv rider and it is the hardest place to ride... ever!! It is very, very, very rocky. Not to mention the hills are mountain cliffs. If you ride there i would highly reccommend riding with someone who has been there before and knows what your getting in too before you climb a freggin' cliff like I did only to find a pile of rocks at the top and have to back down and almost roll backwards. Good times...


Oct 3, 2002
I live about 20 miles from there. I've only ridden there once so far but I have been around it in a Jeep a time or two. Yeah, it's a serious good place!

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