What are some good elbow protection pads?


Feb 25, 2005
As the questions states, i'm looking for some elbow/forearm protection. I've been looking at the 661 2x4 pads, but they look a little soft from the pictures i've seen. Can anyone recommend the elbow pads of their choice? Thanks,



Jun 9, 2004
A SixSixOne pressure suit. Great elbow pads and they never fall down, unlike the conventional variety. It also brings along a bunch of other body armor to the mix.

Not a direct answer to your question, but worth considering none the less.


Nov 4, 2004
mtk said:
A SixSixOne pressure suit. Great elbow pads and they never fall down, unlike the conventional variety. It also brings along a bunch of other body armor to the mix.

Not a direct answer to your question, but worth considering none the less.

I have one also and love it. I do have the sixsixone elbow pads and my biggest complaint is they fit really tight around my biceps. If you are of the average stick boy motocross build they should be o.k. though. They stay on well and offer enough protection I feel comfortable enough to wear them instead of my pressure suit when it is really really hot.


Feb 25, 2005
i was thinking about a pressure suite too, only i live in an area where it gets really hot in the summer months. I was thinking the suite would be too hot. Maybe i'll go look at one and go from there. I need to buy all of the upper body gear so it might not be a bad idea to sacrifice the heat for $.


Nov 4, 2004
I know hot is relative but here in central arkansas it can easily get to a 100 with 85% humidity, that is to hot to ride for all I care. I don't mind wearing my 661 until it gets to be over 93ish, I know that is a relatively specific number, but if it is much over that with the brutal humidity we have I won't ride anyway. If it is hot wear the suit by itself and it isn't that uncomfortable because it is made of mostly mesh and breathes well. When it gets around 70-75 I wear a jersey over it and couldn't be more comfy and that set up works to about 45-50 degree's for me. Much cooler and it is time for more layers.
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