What bike for my size... ?


Apr 24, 2006
Hi, I am extremely new to the dirtbiking/Motocross "scene". My friend Gunner races in a 125-C class and his dad is an A/B Rider with a 450. I have gone to acouple races with them and get pumped just watching them race and thought about getting into the sport. I am, of course, going to need a bike to do so but have no real idea where to start so here it is...

I am around 6'1 and weight inbetween 190-200 pounds.

I don't exactly know how physical/agressive I would be on a bike since I have never ridden before but I wouldn't be the guy in 3rd the whole track cruising and not hitting any of the doubles. I would, in the beginning, most likely not even consider going for the holeshot but instead try and endup somewhere in the middle if possible and follow someone more experienced while trying to get the feel for the bike. That is after practicing of course, I am sure I would become aggressive after I know my own skill and riding level.

I will be riding mostly on tracks, outdoor, with a dirt starting area, local places you know, and occasionally on trails with friends.

I don't have a single hour of riding experience but I do ride my fiend 4-wheeler weekly. I know you can't compare but atleast I am not new to things that go "vroom" on dirt.

I will probably be racing after practicing with my friend and his dad.

I will... most likely not be doing most of my own work. Simple things on the bike I will do but in the beginning I will bring it to my friends dad or as a last resort a shop.

My mother would PREFER for me to get a Suzuki but I would rather have a bike that is going to work for me.

I have access to any brand/bike.

I would like to spend as little as possible on a bike since I am 16 but that just means I want to stay as stock as possible, something fancy won't help me if I can't use it.

I have no idea what kind of bike I will need/would be best suited for me. It doesn't have to be the fastest because in the beginning I just want something that can handle because I know being a novice I won't be able to bring the bike to its potential in speed, so acceleration and how well it takes corners are what I THINK I would need. I understand I know next to nothing so if I am wrong please correct me, and I am here to get advice from experienced riders who know what a new rider with my build would be best suited for. If you are going to come in here and post "I have about that build and have a *BLANK* get it its awesome!" I don't want your response. I am looking for something more along the lines of "Well for your build and what you should focus on you should be looking towards *BLANK* brand and should probably get a *BLANK* because of your size and its handling/whatever".

Thank you in advance for all your help and if you need more information email me or just post it here and I will get back to you.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Your size makes you a little heavy for a 125. I don't much like recommending a 250 2 stroke to a new rider so I would lean towards a 250 four stroke to run in the 125 class. The only problem with this is the comment of spending as little as possible on a bike doesn't really work with a new 250F. Do you have an actual budget in mind?


Mar 7, 2006
it sounds like you might want to get a 125, but if you can get a 250f i'd do that. Remember that 4 stroke require a lot more work. do you care if it is a 2 or 4 stroke?


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 1, 2006
A 250 2-stroke would definitly be too much as a starter bike. youd be wreckin' all over the place;) I would go for a 250f:nod: As for brands you should get which ever you prefer. It doesn't really matter.

Good luck
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