What bike size? and what model?


Jun 16, 2006
1) i weigh 202 pounds and i am 5 foot 9 inches
2) i am not extremely phisical and not very aggresive
3) i plan to drive through woods some and some pavement and some field riding but probably mostly trail riding
4) i have no riding experiance on a dirtbike
5) i do not plan to race
6) i am kinda mechanically inclined but i will not do my own work in fear of messing something up(unless it is simple)
7) I like yamaha(we have a 4-wheeler and waverunners from them and they seem to be the most reliable around) and i would like a 4-stroke
8) we have a few local dealers:yamaha is the main one(the yamaha place also sells KTM)(closest) but there are other dealers that are futher away(like) an hour and a half
9) I plan to spend anywhere from1500-3000 give or take a little
10) im not sure if a 250 would be too big(tall)and heavy or if a 125 will have enough "umph" i would like a fairly new bike if possible

if a 250 or 230 size is recomended for somebody my size then my price range will be increased, my dad will help me pay for half of it if it is that size because he will ride it SOME(barley ever)
help is greatly appreciated, have a nice day :)
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Aug 21, 2005
WR250F, new won't meet your price range, but a used one could. Stay off the pavement or you'll waste the knobbies.


Jun 16, 2006
FruDaddy said:
WR250F, new won't meet your price range, but a used one could. Stay off the pavement or you'll waste the knobbies.
well the pavement isnt very long its just like 1/4 mile and thats how ill get to where im gonna do most of my riding


Aug 21, 2005
I would recommend riding beside the pavement, not on it. My son has some pretty ripped up knobs because we often ride on a very hard pack practice track.


Jun 16, 2006
well... i will do my best to stay off the pavement but it is a really steep hill on the other side(i rolled my 4-wheeler on it once but it was just barley enough to roll it) will a dirtbike be able to drive on a hill like that?
also about what speed does just an average 250 sized bike get? and about what speed does just an average 125 size bike get to? im just curious and it will probably help me decide on what size to get


Jun 16, 2006
well my dad has like 12 acres like well actually only about 1/8th mile away(on pavement though) and there is lots of roads and thats also how ill be able to get to my friends house(lots of trails and backroads)

ohhh.... actually i can get there with out having to worry about a driving a hill sideways..... i just remembered i can drive through my neihbors area(4-wheeler wont fit but a bike will) then ill be able to drive on the shoulder on that road(gravel)
well.... also to get to my friends house ill have to drive alongside a hill to get there...i would post a pic to help show you what im talking about but i dont know how(it wont let me insert the link)
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Jun 16, 2006
is the honda crf230 bike any good?
will the power be enough?
does anybody have any experiance they would like to share about one that they have had?

thank you for your time and patience...have a great day :)
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Aug 21, 2005
CRF230 is in the same realm as the TTR230, no power, no suspension, minimal maintenance, but very reliable.
Jun 5, 2006
The CRF isn't that bad at all. My dad has one, he's also 5'9", so it will be good for you. It has plenty of power to get you where you're going, and the suspension is decent. And there really is no maintence besides changin oil and putting gas in. However, if you plan on getting more aggressive in the future or plan on growing, i wouldn't get this bike. Also, u wouldn't have to worry as much buying a used one because practically nothing can go wrong with them!


Jun 16, 2006
ok thank you... im just gonna keep an eye out for a used wr250f (i hope they will have one there)


Jul 19, 2005
Good used 125 is the best route. It will have enough to make your hair stand up when you get the rpms high and will be loads of power for any biginner. 125 may be a push but maybe not, a 250 fourstroke will be more powerful than the 125 but will be easier to put around on, then again trying to maintain a 250f is hard work, and it cost $ to keep it running. 125 is your best bet, get some gear and dont skimp out b/c when u wipe out on that gravel road ur gonna be glad u had it ;)

good luck :nod:


Jun 16, 2006
yeah im definatly gonna get all the protective gear i can get:)

i went to both of the local yamaha dealers and both of them said a yz125 would be a good starter bike for me and that a 250 would be way to powerful for a learner. so im not sure who to believe but i think im gonna go with what the guys at yamaha told me to go with they also said a tt-r 230 would be a good sized bike and the right amount of power for a learner
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Jun 16, 2006
whats the power difference between a 4-stroke and a 2-stroke wich is faster?wich has more torque?


Aug 21, 2005
With double displacement, the 4 stroke will have more bottom end and a broader powerband than its 2 stroke counterpart. This does not include the trail/play bikes such as the TTR and KLX lines.


Jun 16, 2006
i guess i should have said this in the beggining but i couldnt think of how i wanted to say it.

what im looking for is a bike that will go around 40-50(atleast that much but not too much over that cause ill get myself killed) and be able to go the same places my 4-wheeler can go(like up a steep hill but not very fast)
i will be doing jumps but not for a while because i want to get used to it and have a very good feel while riding itbut they wont be big jumps just little like "hops" type of jumps like ditches and stuff
it needs to be very stable in gravel cause there is a ****load of it in the ozarks(where i live)
will do most of my riding through unriden territory in the woods or small trails
im kinda leaning away from a bike the size of that wr250f(i saw one and they are huge) so a bike a little smaller than that would be nice
i dont plan on gaining anyweight but i do plan on getting a little taller
i want it to be fairly well planted on the ground cause i dont want it to be doing wheelies when i dont really want it to(like when going up steep hills) :blah: :blah: :blah:
thank you have a great day


Jun 16, 2006
well it probably wont happen now
My dad was really excited about me getting a dirtbike but then i told my mom.... i assume you can guess what happend next:(
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