To drop the event promotions side of the AMA....
So there will no longer be the "AMA" out door will be sort of like the GNCC series with an AMA sanction.
I personally see why Dingman wants to play this game a new way..but I think it stinks. There is something special about the AMA National Championship series that goes a bit beyond the strict business of it. Its an institution and will NEVER hold the same clout with a commercial promoter in charge in my eyes. AND after my last set of experiences with a Promoter, I DON'T WANT to have a "promoter" type in charge of an institution such as the AMA Nationals....we the club members need to have a level of control and even if that may not be something we excersize now in anyway except voting in or out officers..its STILL SOMETHING and there is a little recourse here if and when things are out of wack.
I think taking its "all about the money & Business" approach makes business sense but just kills it for me. I go to races and participate to excape the "business" part of my life. I personally think the AMA membership should be the ones to decide if the club goes off onto these fundemental changes...we pay the dues and entry fee's and this is a radical change in the look, shape, and feel of both our sport and our club! :think: