What do you wear when you ride?


Jul 18, 2003
OK, here I am REALLY excited to get back into dirt biking. I get my new KDX200 and order some riding gear. You know, jersey, pants, boots, chest protector, the whole bit.

When I pull the stuff out of the box my wife claims that I will look like a total goob with that stuff on. (I AM a goob, but that is a different conversation...) She says "You don't race so why wear that stuff???"

I try to explain that "everyone" wears that stuff, but she isn't buying it. So here is my question...

With the exception of helmet, goggles and boots, what do you guys/gals wear when you go riding?


Sep 16, 1999
A couple of essentials to me are a drinking system that straps to the back of my chest protector, quick release goggle straps that attach to your helmet with velcro, elbow pads/knee pads (woods riding), gloves.

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
If you don't want to look like a bilboard,

I wear an MSR Gold Medal jersey, its as plain as plain is. White is nice in the heat.

You can find similary plain pants at MSR and Moose

I wouldn't get on a bike without a chest protector (can you say shish-ka-bob)

You can't help but look like a Power Ranger a little, but no harm forgoing the fancy HNG gear for some elbowpads and kneepads.

You'll look like a bigger goob with injuries from silly get-offs. You don't need to race to protect yourself.
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May 27, 2002

Don't scrimp on the gear. I trail ride, yet I wear the full complement that I can afford (knee/shin guards, moto-x pants/jersey, kidney belt, elbow pads, chest protector, helmet, and boots). I am currently looking to add knee braces, neck roll and some sort of spine protection as soon as I can afford it.

Crashing while racing, or crashing while trail riding is the same... body impacting ground = pain. Don't compromise on gear just because you are afraid of looking like a poser. I am a slow novice rider. I've fallen many a time, and my gear has helped minimize my injuries. Don't be fooled into thinking that it will make you invulnerable, but it will help. This gear is also designed to be durable and comfortable while riding a motorcycle which is appreciated on long trail rides.

With all that said. I am guilty of having gear that matches my bike. I wear green and black. If I can't look good while riding, I may as well look good standing still.

All my other riding buddies wear the same amout of gear. My brother in law will be the first of us to buck the trend and go with a 661 Presure Suit. It seems to offer more protection than a standard chest protector. It looks like it will be a bit on the hot side, but I like the integrated spine protection.

To drive the point home even more, my wife just recently started riding a dirt bike. We spent as much on safety gear as we did on her bike. She has the exact same gear as me, except in blue to match her little Yamaha.

Enjoy the KDX (great choice), wear the gear, and be safe.



Jul 26, 1999
Um,  I wear EVERYTHING I have when I go riding.  Doesn't matter if I'm racing or going trail riding.  The only thing that varies is the length of sleves and thickness of the various jerseys that I have.  But, that's only for comforts sake.

The other day, we went out to cut trail, and I still put everything on for the ride out there, then took off the non-essential items as we walked through the trail that we were cutting.

One of my friends son took a rock in the eye riding back from the sign up table to the truck at an enduro about a year ago.  He had on his helmet, but no goggles since he was just riding in the campground.  It took a trip to the emergency room and about 6 weeks to recover from that.

So, what do I wear:

Boots, two pairs of socks, need guards, riding pants, bicycle shorts underneath, jersey, kidney belt, elbow pads, chest protector with camel bak, fanny pack (tools, spares, and food), gloves, Helmet,  and goggles.

I've had a few crashes, been in the ambulance once, and broken a couple of ribs.  Other than that, only cuts scrapes and bruises.  BTW, the ambulance ride probably would have been avoided had I been wearing a chest protector, but I was 15, dumb, and didn't have all of the gear that I have now.  The ambulance ride prompted the purchase of my first chest protector and I haven't ridden without it since.  I feel practically naked without it.

Good luck.


Aug 30, 2002
Helmet, goggles, gloves, ankle supports, knee pads, riding pants, jersey sometimes, chest protecter. I don't always wear my a jersey, some times just a cut off t when it is real hot out.

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Originally posted by wanaride
When I pull the stuff out of the box my wife claims that I will look like a total goob with that stuff on. (I AM a goob, but that is a different conversation...)

Let her know that the best way for you to be a bigger goob is to NOT wear your gear, get hurt, & become couch bound having her be your personal servant.

Originally posted by wanaride
She says "You don't race so why wear that stuff???"

I do more stupid stuff that could get me injured when I am play riding then when I am competing.


Jul 26, 1999
Originally posted by Farmer John

I do more stupid stuff that could get me injured when I am play riding then when I am competing.

Like missing a slippery turn, falling off a 4 foot cliff into a ravine and slamming into the far wall of said ravine with your shoulder?&nbsp; That kind of stupid stuff? or are we talking superman seat grabs?&nbsp; :) :p


May 6, 2003
I ride BUTT NAKED ALL THE TIME!!! Just kidding - never been on a bike naked. However, I would feel naked without all the motoX stuff. Here's what I really like head to toe:

1)Thor fiberglass SVS-4 helmet (fiberglass is better)
2)Progrip Goggles w/auto tint adjustment in sun
3)SixSixOne chest guard
4)T-shirt under jersey
6)Answer Jersey with AirFlow
6)Fox elbow guards
7)Thor kidney belt
8)AXO MM Zero pants (awesome pants)
9)Boxers (BTW: boxers on long rides = monkey butt)
10)Tube socks
11)Thigh-high MX Socks
12)SixSixOne knee guards
13)Acerbis boots

That's about it. I have yet to hurt myself on one of my few falls. This last weekend, I did some really hardcore stuff and crunched my knee between my bike and a tree in the middle of an obstacle and stepped right out of it with no pain and no injuries! That was really the worst fall I've had so far, but no damage was done to me, or my bike. GET GOOD GEAR! NEVER SKIMP WHEN IT COMES TO SAFETY! AND DEFINITELY DON'T RIDE NAKED! :)

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Originally posted by Timr

Like missing a slippery turn, falling off a 4 foot cliff into a ravine and slamming into the far wall of said ravine with your shoulder?&nbsp;

It's all fun & games till you auger hard enoug to make the ground shake...


Oct 11, 2002
I wear boots, knee pads, kidney belt, mx pants &amp; jersey, gloves, chest protector, elbow pads, helmet and goggles.

One of my first rides with a group of wheelers this spring I was asked why I wore all that gear, my response was "I'm gunna fall, just don't know when :) " And I fell, and again, and more... been bruised around my knees pretty good and that's wearing Thor Force knee guards (I like 'em). Even though I wear all the gear I still hurt (might be my age), but I have avoided alot of serious injuries by wearing protection.

When I read the part about 'looking like a goob' it reminded me of the crash test dummy that was stuffed into a shopping cart and said "I don't wear my seat belt because it's uncomfortable".

I can't imagine trail riding without gear...


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I try to explain that "everyone" wears that stuff, but she isn't buying it.

Have your wife dress up in all your gear, and take her outside and throw a handful of gravel at her! :eek: . Then have her take the gear off and repeat the gravel treatment! :laugh:


Jun 5, 2000
Everybody crashes - so dress for the crash, not for the ride.

Crash protection:
elbow pads
forearm pads
knee pads
riding pants w/hip pads
Chest protector
kidney belt
riding boots
drink system (additional cushioning)

Crash avoidance program:
steering damper
properly sprung and set up suspension
not letting the tires get too worn


Oct 11, 2002
I have the Thor Force knee guards, they are nice.

As for elbow pads, I like the 661 Race Elbow/Forearm guards, they seemed bulky and uncomfortable but really rugged. My initial fear was that they would slip down my arm, but they are pretty much cover down to my glove so they did not go too far. After a couple of rides I can say that I don't notice them on, and the protection offered by them is awesome. They fit well under my jersey and I would feel naked now without them. My wife bought them for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, they would not have been my first choice at the time but I like them after trying them, and would not hesitate to reccomend them.



Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I have tried a few different ones (but not the 661s), and I really like the elbow guards from Fox. Don't skimp here; make sure your elbow *and* forearm are protected.


BTW, please post in the correct forum. While you might ride a KDX, your post doesn't have anything to do with KDXs. Post questions like this in the Product Review forum here:


Also check out the very powerful search function. You'll be able to find tons of advice and info on elbow guards.

Good luck!


Feb 6, 2003
fox extreme is the way to go. Does not slip because it is already reaching to the wrist and definately no arm pump. I cut the bicep strap off since it did nothing for me.


Aug 20, 2002
You must have gotten married last weekend. Yes, you have to pretend to listen to them when they're in the same room. But don't really do what they say.

Hey, if my wife was stupid enough to marry me, I'm not following any of her suggestions.


May 2, 2002
I wear all the aforementioned items too.

I'm also a believer in the neck roll (race collar) as well. I've got one from EVS. Six six one makes one too. Alot of people who have broken their collar bones have told me that if they were wearing a neck roll then they most likely would not have broken the bone.

My 2 cents.



Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by MX175
You must have gotten married last weekend. Yes, you have to pretend to listen to them when they're in the same room. But don't really do what they say.

Hey, if my wife was stupid enough to marry me, I'm not following any of her suggestions.

My vote is that he's been married for a long time and his wife is getting a little sick of him - so it's&nbsp; "Hey Honey - Go ride fast in beteen the trees with no protective gear, at least you won't look like a goob"


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Fox Pilot helmet
Scott Goggles
Thor Vented pants
Thor Vented Jersey
O'Neal Chest Protector w/ Upper Arm Shields
Fox Gloves
Fox Forearm / Elbow guards
O'Neal Riding Belt
EVS Web Knee Braces
Thin PolyPro socks under Thoro Ski Socks
O'neil Element Boots
Progressive Riding Shorts
CamelBak Hydration pack
Fanny Pack w/satellite phone and GPS

The main problem with wearing all the correct gear is sweating. I spray myself down with unscented anti persperant especially my hands and feet. Now my gloves and boots don't get all sweaty.
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Aug 25, 2000
I think you've picked up from the replies here that you need the right gear.&nbsp; Even with the protective gear you can get injured.&nbsp; I recently hit a tree at a good rate of speed - bike stopped quickly as tree decided it was not going to move - my body kept moving on down the trail until coming into contact with the ground.&nbsp; I messed up my knee even with knee pads on.


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
I'm a believer in that guy Murphy and his rules.&nbsp; If I wear all the gear I can, most likely I won't get hurt.&nbsp; Ok, so he's not right all the time, I still get hurt occassionally, but no where near as bad as if I was not wearing the gear.&nbsp; I probably wear twice as much gear now on a bike as I did on a quad.&nbsp; Here's what I normally wear when it's warm out.&nbsp; I need to add an enduro jacket for the spring/fall riding.

Well maintained '90 KDX200
Helmet - HJC
Goggles - Scott w/ Quick Straps
Chest Protector - HRP Attack Jak
Boots - Sidi's (they are awesome!)
Hydration System - Blackburn with Storage
Knee Pads - Thor, I think
Elbow Pads - CCM Hockey type
Jersey - Moose
Pants - Moose
Bike shorts
Thick socks
Kidney Belt (on whooped trails)
Trail map (compliments of CCC) and/or buddy w/ GPS

Like everyone has said, get the gear.&nbsp; Wasn't there a quip about dressing for the crash not the ride?

Enjoy the bike and the riding.

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