What should I get for my second bike?

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Oct 18, 2002
Hi, I'm new here and I'm stuck on which bike to get for my second bike. I'm 14 and have outgrown my 88 DR100 and I would really like something alot bigger and with alot more power. I've riden my friend's CRF230 and I really like it but I really have no idea cause thats the only other bike I've ever riden. So I'm basically stuck with whether I should get a 230/250 4 stroke or a 125 2 stroke and which models, etc are the best for woods/trail riding. I've only been riding for about a year and a half but I feel im ready to step up to a 125 or 250. I would really appreciate it if anyone gave me some advice on which type of bike I should get. Thanks alot.
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