What to bring along on a trail ride

Mark W

May 12, 2004
OK, I may be taking my first trail ride this coming wekend and I was wondering what do most people pack along on a ride?

I assume the spark wrench in the bag is there for a reson so I assume I should bring along a couple of spark plugs.

What else do people bring on the ride that has proven quite helpful over the years?

What do you bring along and leave in the truck as a just in case scenario arises?

Mark W


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002

You may want to search for a similar thread from a couple of months ago. I use a hydration backpack and carry water, power bars or trail mix, wallet and sometimes my cell. I carry a small tool kit, spark plugs, plug wrench, Co2 cartridges, first aid pak and a shop rag in the rear fender bag. But, I'm lucky to ride with an "Eagle Scout / McGuyver" type buddy of mine who wears a large hydration backpack with multiple pockets holding almost anything you can imagine from duct tape to tp. His bike is also equipped with a GPS and we carry maps for back-up. His enclosed trailer is equally prepared and I just add my toolbox. In there we've got spray cleaners & lubes, spare air filters and filterskins, tubes and patch kits, bike stands, small air compressor. Anything more involved than that and our day is most likely done.

Good luck and enjoy the trails.

Mark W

May 12, 2004
OK, I'll bite

What are the CO2 cartridges for, tire iflation most likely I'm guessing. Didn't event hink of that.

Mark W


Jan 29, 2002
Tools,Front tube,GPS ,water., tow rope,5min epoxy and mesh,knife,metal putty.extra clutch cable.
I keep an odd assortment of washers nuts and bolts,lighter,cable ties and duct tape.
If we are going on a trail that is really deep in the forest I tend to carry more and always will have extra gas.
Its amazing what you can repair on a trail just to get you back home.After packing everything, especially tools , weed out the redunant items, the weight of all this can skyrocket.


Jan 29, 2002
I usually will strap two 1 litre bottles to the side of number plate.,the best is if you can afford the IMS bigger tank.
Strapping stuff on is not the best but during rides like that we are usaully at a slower pace.My KTM 300 is good for 85km max and I have found my wifes KDX good for 120km.
Its also good if some of the bikes are 4strokes, they always have some fuel to give.


Sep 25, 2002
If you're carrying a little extra fuel strapped or taped, remember to dump it in when you have enough room in the tank. No sense in having it flop arround until you're empty, or worse yet lose it.


Jan 29, 2002
Yes ! Always!

Once on a long ride I hid a 1 gallon tank along the trail.Even with a red ribbon on the tree good luck finding it latter in the day!


Oct 14, 1999
Clutch lever and perch (bolt the perch to the handlebars), brake lever, piece of fuel line, emergency foil blanket-thing, a couple of plugs (I've not used one myself, but there sure are a lot of folks riding with a lousy tune-job that don't have even one), some mechanic wire......

...in addition to the other good stuff mentioned above. A set of tire irons is good if you plan on doing anything with that spare tube. A bicycle air pump won't ever need a cartridge refill (at your rig..CO2 is good on the trail).

Click here to see an input that looks like it got started as 'new thread' instead of 'reply'.


Jan 29, 2002
I forgot one item! a small 1st aid kit.
We are lucky and have a doctor that rides with us but a first aid kit designed for our types of injuries is good.

I ride in a group of three or four so a lot of the specialty items are distributed amongst us so that were not carrying huge back packs.One person as mentioned must have tire irons.

I once rode a whole enduro with visegrips as my shifter.
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