What to put in a spare parts box?


Jul 7, 1999
The other night I was tooling along in my truck and found out one of my headlights was out. I had to go to Wal-Mart (shudder) and get a new bulb, since they were the only place that was open that time of night. I have a Plano clear plastic rectangular tackle box with dividers in it. I've decided I want to fill it with another spare halogen headlight bulb, a couple of tail light bulbs, a multitool, spare dirt bike bolts, a tube of Neosporin and band-aids, etc, for for mountain biking and dirt biking, maybe a head and tail light bulb for my KDX, etc, and keep it under the passenger seat. I already have a quart of motor oil in the glove box. What do you guys put in your "boonie boxes" for your truck or dirt bike? Do they rattle a lot? I was thinking it would be really annoying with the rattle. Also, how much should a quality pair of jumper cables cost?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
My truck typically has a truck stuff box with spare fuel filters (diesel), oil, fuel additive, coolant additive, zip ties, racer tape, misc hand tools, flash light...

My bike box depends on the trip. A day ride pretty much the basic stuff oils, tape, Shoe Goo, zip ties, bolts, contact cleaner, plugs, tube, saftey wire and misc hand tools. Dirt Week saw me use two boxes but the list would give me arm pump.

Try AW Direct for jumper cables and stuff. Pricy but great stuff.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 30, 2001
I keep pretty much the same stuff. Lots of zip ties, duct tape, extra plugs, oil, and clutch levers(you never know when you're gonna break one).:) Plus a basic set of hand tools.


Nov 7, 2000
I smacked a tree not to long ago and busted a clutch lever. One of my riding buddys was cracken on me for having it in my tool bag. Its on like it happens a lot, but it doesn't weigh much and saved me a trip to the truck. I put that thing in there last fall after cracking my lever at the base. As for the truck I don't keep much. Not a whole lot of room in there. I just put a tool box in the back of the truck when I go riding. It has to much to list. I also have a milk crate with a wooden peice on the bottom for keeping spare fluids in like, oil, tire sealent, air pump, blue paper shop rags and such.


Jul 3, 2001
If you are worried about the rattle, just take a couple of sponges and place them on top of your tools and close the lid. That way everything wil be nice and snug.
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