What's the best pipe for an 03 KDX200?


Jan 23, 2003
I would like to get a little more low end? I assume the FMF Gnarly is probably the best? (yes or no) Has anyone tried one and is it worth it?


Oct 14, 1999
Gee fred. Now you're posting links to your link?

Wouldn't it be a great idea to have to access CDave's site as a condition of forum access? Maybe there could be a test or something. You'd have to decode a needle....maybe list the L1, diameter and slopeº for a particular code before you got the 'keys to the kingdom.' :)

Or maybe determine the stock jetting for an 'H' series 200.....

JCW: If after some research on your part you still have a question, ask away.


Jan 23, 2003
I apologize for the mistake and for not being a seasoned veteran of this site.


Oct 14, 1999
Not to worry.

The point actually has nothing to do with your post. CDave's site has a HUGE amount of information that is often overlooked....largely (sez me) due to the fact that noone knows it exists or WHERE it is.

FredT had made the case for making it a bit more 'up front' and visible. He's not the first to ask that, either.

Point isn't to browbeat anyone or give them grief over a question....it's to make available to the largest number of people interested the site that has the most information available on the kdx.

There are a handful of questions that are asked over and over...a good number of misnomers and misunderstandings that are held true by riders that should know better, most of which can be straightened out on CDave's site.

Lots of kdx'ers with a good deal of experience are more than willing to help out other riders. This site is a terrific resource.

Have fun!!

lime away

Feb 8, 2000
The FMF gnarly and PCII silencer are a great combination for low end improvement. I'm a trials/trail rider and find I can ride my KDX in situations where low end trials torque is needed to pull me through. The stock pipe justs chokes the heck outta the engine. You'll swear you have a totally different bike with the pipe mod. Do it.


Jan 23, 2003
Lime Away- Thanks, I'm ordering the gnarly tomorrow. Most of my riding is tight enduro trails with hills. After riding 250MXer's for years, it's hard to give up that low end "rip" in the woods. Is the PCII a spark arrestor silencer? I used an FMF turbine core II on my last CR250 since we are required to have spark arrestors.
Canyncarvr, thanks for the reply. I was so excited about finding the site and switching to a KDX, I just dove in head first. How about some kind of initial overview of what is available, with heavy emphasis on the TIPS section.


Oct 14, 1999
No overview required. Just follow fred's link:


BOOKMARK it. Read the whole thing.

Jetting. Carb tuning (and jetting). Step by step hop ups (and jetting). Kickstart upgrade (and jetting). RB carb info (and jetting).

You may get the idea that JETTING is critical. That's cuz it is. The single bestest thing you can do for this bike, your next bike, and every other bike.

Guess that's an overview, huh?

BTW..the term 'gnarly' doesn't mean anything. FmF makes two pipes for the H model kdx...a -30 (rev) and the -35 (torque). All the descriptive terms used, gnarly, burly, desert, gold, ...they don't do anything but confuse the issue. To top it off, some catalogs call the same pipe different things!!

For the 200 AND the 220...both pipes fit, both do the same thing. Again.. the -30 is the rev (tuned for the top), the -35 is the torque (tuned for the bottom). If you ride tight stuff (3rd gear and below) the torque is for you. If you're in 4-6 most of the time the rev is for you.

Buy 'em both! Change 'em as suits you.

It works for me!!! ;)
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