Male's view of a male being decent:
1)Wakes up in the morning(maybe actually afternoon, but it really doesn't matter as long as you wake).
2)Lifts the lid and pisses(whether or not the lid gets back down is not important.... MOM taught us to raise it and that is all and if it's good enough for MOM..........................)
3)Goes to work. Work is work. If he don't make enough for HER to live the lifestyle SHE wants, that is too bad. Take what you get and be satisfied that he's stupid enough to do it.
4)Wants to have sex. Yeah it might be every second of every day, but be glad he wants to have it........................... with YOU.
5)Eats like a pig, burps, farts outloud. If his heart is beating, this WILL happen.
6)Has sex and falls asleep within 2 minutes afterward. If you want to be held afterward, do it fast, you only have 2 minutes.
Women's view of a decent man:
1)Wakes up early, makes breakfast and serves it to her in bed, with a vase of flowers on the side.
2)Tinkles in the appropriate place(and for God's sake NEVER OUTSIDE)....... does NOT make any noise doing it and remembers to put the lid back down and replaces the tissue when it's time to do so. Don't even talk about the other bodily function, let alone DO IT !!
3)Goes to work. Works long and hard and makes TONS of money, yet comes home and tends to the kids, takes out the garbage, mows the lawn, waters the flowers, fixes what ever needs to be fixed,does NOT MESS WITH THAT DAMN BIKE THAT ONLY TAKES TIME AND ATTENTION AWAY FROM HER, has sex no more than once every 2 weeks and holds her long enough for her to fall asleep(usually 2 hours) and then after no sleep whatsoever gets up and does it all over again.
4)never farts or burps and takes the blame for her doing so.
5)friends, what friends. SHE'S your only friend.
6)Talks to her.......NO ............. LISTENS TO HER.
-have fun with that one.