which bike to get?

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Sep 30, 2006
I want to get into dirt biking and i'm wondering which bike to get. I'm probably just going to ride trails to begin with, but I'd maybe like to get into mx. I'm 15 years old, 5'6" and 130 pounds. I was thinking about buying a two stroke 125. Is this a good bike for me? or should i go with an 85. I also don't want to buy a bike and then out grow it in 6 months. Any help would be appreciated.

Also am I going to be able to find a 1993 or newer 125 for under 1000 dollars or is that too low?
Nov 25, 2006
'93-'99 125's are somewhere in the $700-$1200 area, unless they're beaten badly. A 125 dsounds good for you, easy to find, power that won't bore a novice, and learning to woods ride on a 125 has many benefits. Riding a buddies bike to test would be a good idea before dying.
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