Which bike?

Jul 15, 2007
1) your physical size-5'6" and 170 pounds.
2) How physical / aggressive are you: New rider, like to ride it hard:)
3) what do you plan to ride- Mostly in an open field and trails. Hopefully make it out to the track.
4) Do you have any riding experience- Street bikes and Harleys.
5) Do you think you will race- Just for fun.
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work-I can do the easy bolt on stuff.
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice- I like yamaha or honda.
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? - Yes, theres two of them. They carry honda, yahmaha, suzuski - all the name brands.
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike- As least as possible.
10) Do you live in California-No.
11) Your age-23.
12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion- Want a used bike, fairly in expensive like under 1000. like the way hondas last. please help.


Oct 15, 2006
I say go with an older 250 two stroke since you can usually find them cheap. Look in your local classifieds and you will find something cheap the is late 80's to early to mid nineties in your price range. Good luck :cool:
Jul 15, 2007

So you think a 250 is better than a 125? Or just for price purposes? and will a 250 be too much GO when I dont want it?
May 10, 2007
250's are a bit easier to learn on then 125's. because the 250 has more all around power. you can also lug the 250 around a bit more.

125's power is all top end so its harder to learn on.
Jul 15, 2007
ahh, thanks for that. Im a pretty experienced rider already. Still think start 250? whats the diff in sound? 2 or 4 stroke? thanks for the help guys


Jun 20, 2007
yea i would still start 250. the diff in sound in simple terms are 4 strokes growl ( thats probably spelled wrong) and 2 strokes scream.
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