Shocknut, I know jer is very smart man, I just seem to have a warped sence of humor?
I was really was looking forward to meeting him, and checking out his stuff, I never did say my forks work better, hell they are stock valved, Didnt mean to set you off either, I am a service manager of a multi line motorcycle dealership, I deal with this kinda stuff all day long, And to be honest with you, it is all in fun. this forum is the best one I have seen in a long time, I know eric also, I have sent him lots of work over the years, he is a great guy, I just simply have never heard of mobile 1 atf in a fork ? Hell I may even try it! but it sure would be fun to get together and go out testing, as that is what I like doing,
So it sounds like everything got blown way out of porportion, So for that I am sorry !
I really think we could all lighten up a bit.
I didnt know you guys, and I kinda thought I did, thats why I was kidding around, I do that were I work and we have fun with it??
Any way Sorry shocknut, and jer !!
I wont post here any more.
See ya Coop