Which outdoor national?


Aug 8, 2001
My wife and I are thinking about going to an Outdoor National this year. What one would you suggest going to? We live in Texas so they are all a long ways away. We looked at Redbud, fly into Chicago, stay in South Bend close to the track. Any suggestions.



Nov 21, 2001
Red Bud will not dissapoint you. It is one of the grandaddy races and the track layout and prep are second to none. Thw amatuers don't use it on the National weekend and the whole pro track is fenced off so no one can get in and clutter it up until raceday. The track itself is a great blend of natural and man made obstacles with a winding layout that plays out in two aphiteatre like settings. It is both blistering fast with huge air and technical in places. It is very spectator friendly also with great vantage points even with a large crowd. Go there, you will be hooked, I've been there like 25 times!


May 6, 2001
Washougal. I'm lucky enough to race on it and it is awesome. However, there are no circus doubles or triples, if Supercross outside is your scene, Washougal is not. It's predominantly old school motocross (except for the man made whoops section) with some nice hills thrown in. My next choice would be Unadilla.

The thing about Washougal is that the surrounding hills and rivers are just outstanding. Excellent views of the mountains. It is one cool property for a motocross track.
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Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Another option to throw out there - Steel City!

It's the "championship" race and some pretty exciting racing happens there. Two years ago - Pastrana and Roncada battled down to the last moto for the 125 crown. Last year, RC dropped down to the 125 class and the Brown/Langston battle was one the the best races I had ever witnesses (right up there with the '02 Pontiac SX). I mean after moto 1 - it looked like Brown's chances were shot. Then second moto watching Langston's wheel come apart was amazing. And seeing the emotions after the race and everything. Brown let Jesseman go past him to give RC the win to go down in the 125 record books. What a race!!!

The track is a good spectator's track - perhaps better than Red Bud. At Red Bud - you have to see the track in sections, no easy way to see it all. At Steel City, you can see pretty much the whole thing from several spots. Lots of jumps but nothing monsterous like Larocco's Leap. There is amatuer racing all weekend on the Pro track, too (Friday and Saturday). [Red Bud has amatuer racing on Friday and Saturday nights on a SX-style track - and a cool 4th of July fireworks display Saturday night] FMX'er Mike Jones lives on the property at Steel City, too, and last year on Saturday afternoon - he, Trevor Vines, and Dan Pastor put on a really cool freestyle show at Jones' house (if you're into that kind of thing). Plus the race is on Labor Day Weekend so you have one day less of vacation to take. Pittsburg is 30-40 miles away.


Nov 9, 2000
I live a few hours from Washougal, haven't been there since 98 I think, but the layout is beautiful. Nothing like standing by the ski jump watching the riders look at each other in the air.
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