which pipe and gearing combo?


Mod Ban
Nov 6, 2006
which combo would give me the better bottom end?

stock pipe/ 13/47
fmf woods/ 14/47

I would like to have a bit more top speed, and if i add the woods pipe i wanted to know if it would make up for the 14 tooth cs. Also, let's say i can go 70mph completely revved out now, but with the woods and 14 tooth, would it be like 72or73mph?


Sep 16, 2006
You won't notice the extra 2 or 3 mph because you'll never be riding at that speed for a lengthened amount of time. To spend the money on a new sprocket and pipe would be stupid, it's 2/3 mph for crying out loud. ;)


Sep 21, 2006
Just wondering why you would want more top end on a trail bike? Personally I went from my trusty but heavyweight klx250r for more trail oriented power of the kdx.

Granted i ordered a rev pipe and will have it ported but i LOVE instant gratification! you just dont get that even with my modded klx.

the klx was plenty top end-ish but lacked the grunt for deep sand I sometimes find myself in, and I was either leaving everyone behind,working my butt off trying to stay on top or workin my butt off trying to stay with the group. Don't get me wrong, as I still ride and enjoy it and will until it is finally sold, it just 'feels' limited and cumbersome in much of what I find myself riding in.

Basic/moderate trails, it excels. The trickier the trail the more work and less enjoyable it becomes. For the record in a 100 yard drag race i will pull my buds 03 rm125 then lose at the short end but make it a 200 yard race and i will retake him.

Point being: in my neck of the woods, i rarely have enough space to take advantage of any top speed, so why bother? is that the type of riding you most often do?


Mod Ban
Nov 6, 2006
elliot- I want the extra top end pull one would get with a larger 14 tooth cs. It might not be 2 or 3mph, it could be ten mph, i just kinda wanted to know how much speed i would gain up there, and YES I do use it, on my occasional little dual sport ride, and in large fields connecting different parts of the swamp. I also wanted to know if the woods pipe would give back the low end i give up with the 14 tooth cs.
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