whiplash recovery?


Jul 29, 2000
South America
I think I have "whiplash" since it feels like the connection of my skull to my vertebrae is inflamed and presses on the nerve (making me very irritable and with loud ringing in the left ear). It started after a near-accident and a collision; I jumped high and landed with the bike almost vertical and the bars almost ripped out of my hands as the front end jerked back to the ground (with no throttle). Also a dumbass 15 year old ran across the street in front of me and we collided body to body (since I braked to put the bike sideways) about 40 miles per hour. Its been two months now and I still have to take it real easy and not ride rough or for very long. Actually I need to not ride in the dirt at all till this heals. But I need advice for accelerating the healing process. Using a hot water bottle at night relaxes the neck muscles (and maybe does more) and seems to help. I'm taking vitamins also and have seen a good chiropractor. Any advice very welcome. thanks


Aug 13, 1999
I just went through the whiplash scenario but it wasn't as severe as your's sounds. We got rearended in my vehicle.

For most soft tissue injuries alternating heat then ice has worked well for me. I always use ice for the first few days to keep the swelling under control. After that, I use heat for 20 minutes or so then ice for 10 minutes and try to do the routine as often as I can.

I also went to the chiro a couple times a week, just to get everything back where it should be.

Fortunately, my neck was only sore for about a week and somewhat weak for a couple more weeks. Now I'm pretty much back to my normal self except for some stiffness that is sticking around. Chiro and heat take care of that though.

Good luck, hope you heal up quickly.


May 18, 2000
The best thing that worked for me was a Massage Therapist. 2 visits and i was just about as good as new..It takes time..
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