Who wants to ride in Mud?


Oct 27, 2008
Been quiet in here so I ask:: do you ride in mud
Its been raining here in the south east since the saturday after thanksgiving giving no chance to dry the trails!!

I want to ride this weekend but am hesitant to do so because my truck is tall and the boards to load my bike are 10ft long and very slick. let alone when all muddy!!

Too I have a hard time turning in the hard pack with a frosting of mud on top (the front end pushes out from under me and I superman into the mud) then my grips and levers
are all covered in mud too.

I would say heck withit and go but I'm not to flexy anymore and seems I remember hurting :think: after slipping and slidding all day


Oct 28, 2008
Yeah, it hurts a bit. We went out in about 6" of snow and plenty of mud a few weeks back and it was a serious workout. We rode about 5 hours and it felt like I'd been riding for 12. It was GREAT fun though. It's muddy as all heck around here, but I still plan on getting out in it this weekend, so YES, I'll ride in the mud!!



Jul 24, 2008
I went riding last weekend and it was ok. But I generally don't like it when it is muddy everywhere. Maybe I just don't have the mud skills, but I feel like I am always about to go down.


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Went riding up in the hills and the top was clay and did not look muddy but lo and behold get to the top and the rear wheel went right out from under me and the only thing that saved my bike from slidding down the steep hill was the foot peg stuck into the mud good enough it stayed. I did not enjoy that one bit! :yikes:


Jul 14, 2008
Speaking of mud....

My son, bro-in-law and nephew rode at Durhamtown the Saturday after thanksgiving, in the rain, for the entire day. Picture 2 5 yr olds on Suzuki JR 50's dealing with the slick clay trails and mud for 6 hrs, they are troopers no doubt.

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
I grew up in Ohio and looked forward to the mud after a good rain. I think riding is mud is just part of riding and a skill that must be developed to be a all around rider. Now that I am in Texas there are some type of mud here I can live without. They have this clay stuff in areas. It is sticky stuff that get into everything and binds up you bike so it will not move. It is even slick like grease when trying to go. If it is in a creek bottom, it will suck you up and make a vacuum where you have to lay your bike over and drag it out. Nasty stuff but that is all part of it. Grease, snot, and glue all combined into nasty fun.


Oct 27, 2008
I left durhamtown Friday after thanksgiving at 4:30 and had a good day of riding
I passed many people just coming in and felt bad they had to setup camp in the rain.
I recall a red truck or suv with a kdx in a utillity trailer was that you?


May 10, 2007
Mud is fun!!!

That's all we get for a few months here. It will teach you to ride much better. If you can ride fast in the mud, you can ride fast anywhere. Don't lean the bike as much and use the rear brake to turn.

I like when the seat gets covered and you can't grip the bike anymore, sorta like tryin' to ride a fish, lol.


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Nov 13, 2008
Mud is hard on equipment, but it's all part of the off-road game. I prefer to not ride in mud, but if the choice is between mud and leaving the bikes in the workshop, then I ride the mud.


Jul 14, 2008

No, I have a F-150 Supercrew, silver in color. I think that we got there at about 3pm or so that Friday. The boys were so excited about riding on Saturday, that we couldn't not let them ride in the rain. Is your location correct? If so, my brother-in-law lives just up the road from you in Woodstock. He has an 06 YZ125 and thinks he is a hot shot, I'm going to show him a thing or two over Christmas, we will be together riding again then. He also rides at Talking Rock (sp?) quite a bit, I think they have a decent track or two there. I much prefer the mountain/trail riding we have up here, but will hit the tracks a little.

Do you have a 200 or 220? How is your bike & carb set up?


Oct 27, 2008
I have a 98 200 I have the stock shock and 38 kg springs in the front new dunlap 756 rear older front tire 13/50 sprockets and the carb is stock, I have a 155 main to try out.
As far as talking rock I've never been, I like highland park at cedartown and durhamtown and want to visit brushy mt. motorcycle park this summer user julien_d rides up there and it looks pretty cool on the website. Also would like to try hatfield-McCoy in WV.

I live almost in woodstock but still called Marietta I may come down (durhamtown) on the Saturday after Christmas. Its beeen about a month since I rode last


Oct 27, 2008
Well I just got back from Durhamtown and let me tell you it was MUDDY..STICKTY GOOY 2-5 INCHES OF RED CLAY WITH A HARD UNDERPACK.
Sometimes the mud sounded like I was riding over bubble wrap, is that wierd or what??

Was it fun ...hell yeah it was fun, took an old dude (56) that hadn't beemn riding in 20yrs and let him run my xt350, he did reakky good and kept up just fine. I was on my kdx and was wearing my brand new riding pants and shirt WHITE!! I did not really get all that dirty as I never went down. Boy I could have many times, thats why I like the steeper head angle of the kdx it does not push as much as the other bikes I've had (xt600)
the only real problem was getting crossed up in the 4-wheeler humps (front wheel in one rut and rear in the other) while cornering or going up a steep hill ,this happened many many times! I was so torqed about it that I was Subconsciously roosting people on 4-wheelers all day every chance I got!!
I learned that standing up was a much better way to ride in the mud and that going slower is actually more squirley than keeping a good pace up
All in all it made me a better rider I guess. I just don't get out to ride near enough


Dec 6, 2006
If I didn't ride in the mud, I'd never get to ride. Sometimes I enjoy it thoroughly, and other times I wish for a nice dry trail...but that's off-road riding.
When you spend a lot of time riding in the snow or mud you do learn to steer with both wheels. We all do that to some degree. It's kinda like drifting in a car, but on a really slippery trail the drifting never ends if you want to keep your speed up. As mentioned a couple of times already, it can suck a lot of energy out of you in a short period of time.
The worst part about riding in the mud every day? Cleaning the bike. Just once I'd like to give the bike a quick wash and be done, instead of a labor intensive cleaning on the bike, and then shoveling, sweeping and washing the driveway too.


Jun 29, 2006
Not much mud where I normally ride, mostly rocks. The mud that's there isn't too deep, just enough to make the rocks slick.
But, you go a few miles east of here and this is what happens..



Jun 29, 2006
That was just an unreal mess. Took about 2 hours to clean everything up. Enough plant material from the grass track section and leaves from the woods to turn it into Adobe when it dried. Used a screw driver to dig a lot of it out.


Oct 28, 2008
Yup. Found out from the wife this coming weekend is our only free weekend in march. Traveling for my daughters dance competitions every other weekend this month. I'm hoping to make it down to brushy mtn saturday with a couple guys.


Jul 14, 2008
Lucky you are!

Son has soccer, chores in the yard, and changing my friends water pump on his truck is on my agenda Saturday...

It could be nasty at Brushy given the snow that will have melted by then, good luck!


Oct 28, 2008
Yep, it'll probably be quite squishy out there in places. I'm betting it'll be more solid there than over at Callalantee though. That's why my vote was for Brushy.
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