Why is the inside of my ALUMINUM rim rusting??


Aug 9, 2001
I have a 1990 cr500.
The metal on the inside of my rear rim is starting to flake? Is there a different metal compound on the inside of the rim that has a tendancy to rust and or flake? the rim is still solid but i want to take some preventative measures so it doesn't wear all of the way through. Any suggestions?


Dec 13, 2001
Probably lacquer

Some aluminum products are lacquered to prevent oxidation. Over time, especially on something that sees a lot of grit, like a dirt bike rim, the lacquer can fade and/or flake away. I've often had this occur on street bikes with cast aluminum wheels.
Use aluminum polish to clean off the wheel and give it a good shine. I've used "Mother's Mag & Aluminum Polish" with excellent results.
As long as you keep the wheels clean after riding, oxidation shouldn't be a problem.
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