Winter Riding - Ice Screws?


Mar 15, 2001
Do ice screws really help? I rode a little last winter, and it was fun except for the ice. Ice wasnt any fun cuz I couldnt keep it on two wheels.

I guess what Im asking is do ice screws actually give good grip on ice? Im talkin like wheelie-able? Also, does anyone know where to get them or who makes them?


Aug 2, 2000
Yes they do. And yes you can pull wheelies on ice.

We get ours at the local bike shop. If they don't have them they should be able to order them for you.

Also it takes more than one screw per stud on the tire so order plenty. We usually us 3-5 per stud on the rear tire. One each on the front.
If you only put in one per stud on the rear you will rip them right out.

Have fun!


Mar 15, 2001

Alright! Now thats what Im talkin about! Thanks!

I was pretty skeptical at first, but now I recall the winter X games where they did big air with the screws. Now if I could just find some warm gear...;)

I do have another question though... Are the screws removeable? I mean can you remove them and use the same tire for spring? Or should I take my good tires off and use my old worn out tires?
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