Woo-hoo! The Ant is going riding in Baja!

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Randy and Susan- I've just now been catching up on all the threads about your new CR250X (life's been a little crazy, so I'm behind on forum reading); sounds pretty darn cool! Wish I were heading out to Baha with ya'll for sure. Definitely post lost of pics and stories, stories, stories! Susan- Definitely post your thoughts on how the new set-up works for you in Baha. I'm specifically wondering about your thoughts about it in deep sand as I'm sure you'll hit some. Very curious to hear your thoughts afterwards! Do you have an idea of how many miles you get per tank? Did you get a license plate for it? I have all kinds of questions for you, but really I just want to wish ya'll an INCREDIBLY WONDERFUL time in Baha!!!

The Ant

Jan 3, 2002
Yeah, CJ, you should be coming along too!

Yes, we got a license plate, but haven't gotten the turn signal setup to make it truly street legal. If we do a dual sport ride will do that then. So far seem to be getting just shy of 40mpg and its a 2.2 gallon tank. Pretty good range.

Did hit some fairly deep sand at China Hat when I was still high in the front end, it managed okay, figure the final setup now will only be better. Looks like the big check out ride is going to be Baja! I'm not worried tho, should be great.


Apr 20, 2004
Sounds like an awesome trip! I'm green with envy. Can't wait to read the report and see the pix. Have a great time.


Dec 16, 2000
Well, we are out of here!

Bikes are ready. We even took the cam out of Susan's 250x and :yikes: swapped out one of the valve adjustment shims ... and it worked! :eek: and raised the gearing to 13-50T for easier high-speed riding.

I installed two stickers on Susan's x: "Girls Kick Ass" and "Turn the Gas On, Dummy." Hmmm..... I bet both get used about even. ;)

The little silver WRX is packed to the gills and we hit the road Monday morning at "o'dark-thiry"for Escondido, CA.

We're going to drop of fthe mo-mo's at Baja Bound Adventures on Tuesday night and then hop in their Crew Van on Wed. to head to Ensenada. And then it's four days of riding dirt bikes in Baja and margaritas in the bar afterwards!

oh yeah... :yeehaw:

Big trip report when after we get back on May 18th.

Cheers! -- RandyB/SusanP
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