woot!! Sent the money for my new bike!


Jan 24, 2004
Sent my friend/dealer the check tonite. Actually I dropped it in the box but the mailman will have it on the way in morning. Getting a brean new '04 125 Kawi and I am PUMPED!! :yeehaw:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Well Slips - hows it going with that new steed? I noticed that you didnt come back to this post so I fiqure you are doing what I would be doing if I had a NEW KX125 and all that Texas warmth - RIDING TILL THE COWS COME HOME :)
Those Texas Cows are known to stay away a LONG time too!!!
Hope your having fun!


Jan 24, 2004
Woodsy, tyvm for asking! :) I finally got the bike today (Friday) about 1:30 pm! I got incredibly busy and ended up having to go out of town for two days just as it got to the shipping depot in Grand Prarie.

Got it picked up when I got out of a class at noon, which ended my work obligations today. Got it home and there is a large field near me. I went there and very gently was breaking it in. Was going to do the ten minutes that was recommended. Anyway, it went dead after about five minutes. LOL!

I dunno if I fouled the plug riding it softly in second gear or simply ran it out of gas. It had very little in it, cause that is the way my friend/dealer shipped it to me (btw I got a really sweet deal from him.)

Put gas in it and I have been kicking on it off an on tonite. Didnt have time to get a plug because there wasnt a dealer near me with a new one. I did drop the forks to 5mm up in the triple clamp from the stock 15mm. Everyone seems to recommend that.

Tommorow I will be on it bigtime, assuming it starts!! I got to figure out why it doesnt want to go.... But its all good and I am so Happy :)


Nov 14, 2000
I still have the stock plug in mine from day one never had a problem with it fouling but it could have. Now comes the shocker about the plug, it use's a special racing plug same kind as the newer RM 125's but it's not a #8 it's a #9, the plug # is R-16918B-9
they retail for like $39!! good thing my local kawie dealer realize's he's not going to make any money off them and sells them to me alittle above his cost, he had to special order it threw direct from kawasaki after tax I got it for $29! ouch! good thing it's lasted so long.

Porstala F9

Jul 30, 2003

The stock plug still? :O

Is that with stock jetting or did you adjust it?

Anyway, The dealer informed me that the original spark plug is supposed to foul because a few reasons: During break in period, you are not supposed to accelerate hard, causing the spark plug to foul, and also the dealer puts 20:1 mix in (for me atleast) so it allows more oil to be spread through the engine which also contributes to the fouling.

Even after this, I have still been having spark plug fouling problems with my 03' kx 125 no matter how hard I ride it, it just seems to foul a plug every ride. I plan to re-jet asap.


Nov 14, 2000
Yup has the orginal plug in it, even after I ran it with a 15:1 break in oil for the first 30 mins. After than I've been running it at 32:1 with race gas, I finally changed the jetting after about an hour and half on the bike. So far I've leaned the pilot one size and the main one size and moved the needle to clip position #2. I'm pushing about 15 hrs now on the stock orginal plug.


Feb 10, 2004

I had a lot of plug problems when I first got my bike. I was using Yamaha 2r and went to Mobil M2XT and the problem went away instantly. No more fouled plugs. You might want to try this first.


Nov 14, 2000
exactly changing premix is going to have little to no effect. Just change the jetting to 37.5 pilot #2 on the clip position and a 400 main. it's super easy should take maybe 10 mins, unless you like a 125 with sub par throttle responce and wasting money on plugs all the time :)

Porstala F9

Jul 30, 2003
Well, Im jetting my bike this weekend and I made a thread in the 2-stroke section, but I guess Ill ask here as well..

What should I start with? I was thinking about moving the jet needle clip to the #2 position (3 is stock). Good place to start out?


Nov 14, 2000
I find that it's rich on all the circuits by about 1. just do them all the spec's I listed above is what Team Green recommends. Bikes typically come jetted rich stock as like a fail safe against siezing.


Jan 24, 2004
Fouled another plug :( When I took it out I was Very surprised to find the second one was an NGK BR9EG.... I thought it was one like the original. That's two plugs fouled now in as many days. Going to try the Mobile M2XT oil and rejet it soon also. Glad I happened to check this thread again! Great advise.

And for what its worth, I went to the Kawi dealer today (Grapevine Kawisaki) and Danny there said they have sold one 04 KX125 and the owner also had fouling problems. Their service dept is not open on Mondays so I wasnt able to find how they fixed it, but he said they did.


Nov 14, 2000
Man I can't believe your having so much trouble with fouling your plugs, I haven't fouled a plug yet and I swear I should have by now! *knock on wood* Did you change your jetting yet? I think i'm going to go down to a 400 main from the 410 (420 is stock) i'm still getting alittle bit of oil out of the silencer. I find that it run's a tad cleaner with race gas, but I have only used the R-16918B-9 plug nothing else. When I look at the plug the electrode has that nice tan color you want.


Feb 10, 2004
truespode said:
Y2R is a good oil. If your fouling plugs it probably is due more to improper jetting.


I know it dosent make any snese but I fouled 5 plugs in 7 days with the Yamaha oil and have fouled none with the Mobil M2XT oil. I didn't change the jetting just the oil.

I talked with the local Suzuki/Kawasaki dealer and he told me that when he used to race, that if he tried to use a certain type of oil, it would always foul his plugs.

Like I said, I know it dosen't make any sense but my problem is gone.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
What I'm trying to get at is you are treating a symptom and not the actual problem. The fact that your bike is not fouling plugs does not mean it is now jetted correctly. No matter what oil you use you want to jet properly and use the proper plug heat range for your bike depending on the type of riding you do.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
When you change oils or mix ratio's you are, or maybe, ina way changing your jetting (defined as the amount of fuel and oil mix being drawn into the venturi and into the combustion chamber). Oil brands and types all mix differently in gasoline resulting in lean or rich conditions. Also, you can actually increase your oil content in the mix and end up being LEAN because you are replacing gas with oil in the ratio.. AND, yes you very possibly can switch oils and foul less plugs becasue you are running leaner (did the sasme thing as jetting down). The HUGE problem with doing this is that you REALLY have NO idea where you are jetted and therefore, have no idea how rich or lean you actually are...
Here is what you do..
Pick the oil of YOUR choice!! If you wanna BELIEVE that big dollar oil is what you wanna run - run it!! I like something that I can buy ANYWHERE!!! Next, check around and fiqure out what ratio is recommended for your bike using whatever oil you decide to run.
NOW, mix your oil and gas preference up and JET your bike to it!! You will need to do this process (JET) accurately so you have a starting point for ALL future situations (you will know that your bike has a problem of running lean cause you now know what that is :) !
The process of jetting can be fairly simple or it can take HOURS because there can be other things that can cause rich/lean conditions besides the jets in your bike (I spent a day jsut getting my fuel level perfect in my KX - now I KNOW where it runs PERFECT at and its history..).
If you dont know how to properly jet - using plug chops in a proper sequence - I STRONGLEY suggest that you do some research here on DRN and get some input before you tackle it - dont be proud - find the info!!
Also, make sure that you have your air filter cleaned in the manner that you will use to clean it in the future, if you are going to add a spark arrestor or aftermarket pipe do this before you jet or rejet afterwards!!
Your bike is built to run CLEANLY thru the R's with NO spooge and NO plug fouling and you should be able to pull the pipe after 20 hours of running and see a nice clean piston in there with NO scuffing going on!
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