
Jun 25, 2000
Maybe you have seen my last years winter riding tires. Works good if lucky but much work.

I have a new idea on a product i havent seen any kind like it. I think its really good. Its a replacement for those very expensive trelleborg ice tires. It will cost less than half than the trelleborg tires. I think it could last just as long or longer depending on the riding surface. The spikes can be replaced easy and its cheap, maybe half the cost of the whole product. It can be adjusted to the kind of riding you do and how you want your bike to handle.

More i dont want to say because i will try to sell this product. I wont take any kind of patents on this because its too expensive. Thats the only thing thats worries me, not that any other company will copy my idea but that you will copy it. Because its a pretty simple construction, you dont need many expensice tools or hard-to-get materials. So i also want to ask if you are willing to buy it front me for lets just say $150 instead of making it yourself for $50 dollar and maybe 10 hours of work.

If i find many interested here i plan to give it to some of you for the material cost only and if you dont like it you will get your money back. If you like it you should ofcourse tell all your friends about it :)

My goal with this is not to rob you from all your money but i think its fair to take a little paid for it cause i will spend many test hours on the track and in my garage aswell as buying those expensive trelleborg tires to compare with.

So say if you are interested, do you ride on the winter or could you think start doing it with this product?


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I can't see anyone commiting to what you are asking without at least an example of the product. To do that and be competitive, you will need to apply for a patent...if it is a marketable item.
Anyone can screw self-tapping screws into knobbies, so if you have a truely ingenious idea, I suggest you look into patenting the idea or finding a major company to back your idea and market it for you.
I am not up on Swedish patent laws, but I would assume you could supply the patent office with a document that outlines the idea for a small fee. This will protect you if you decide to market the product yourself or try to sell it to others. Without some sort of document filed with the patent office, you will be at a great disadvantage if you try to market this product.


Jun 25, 2000
I havent really looked into papenting it since i've heard it cost like 5 grand. I have had thoughts about selling it to a company so they marketing and selling it and i just a fee for every sold unit. But i dont really just want the money. I want to develop it and get the feedback from the people using it. If i sell it to a company they probably get all the credit and nobody knows who i am.

As i said before i dont do this for the money. I want to share my ideas and develop them to you.

The interest doesnt seem to be very big but i think thats how it is when you dont have anything to show. So i guiss you all have to wait till i have made and tested this product. I will take pictures and make movie clip showing you how damn fun you can have on snow.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
In the USA, a disclosure document costs $10 US. It will outline the product in words, and you also supply a drawing of the item. This gives you two years of protection and time to see if it is worth the money to patent and market. Giving the idea to anyone else, be it a large company to sell it for you or here for that matter, without some sort of preliminary protection is foolish if you want to make money. If not, test it, photo it, and post the results you've had with it.

Good Luck!

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