xr 100 or 200


Dec 30, 2000
ive just been getting into trail riding and sold my old bike and want to get either a xr 100 or a xr 200 and i was wondering which one is the better trail bike even though this is a dumb question but i was just wanted to know from experienced trail riders


Aug 5, 2001
It really depends on your size. Get the biggest bike you will be comfortable with. Both bikes are great and will last a long time, but are very limited when it comes to suspension, brakes, and power in advanced riding conditions. These are cruising trail bikes, any attempt to catch big air will be painful for you and the bike. However, both bikes are nearly bullet proof if properly maintained, and will darn near last forever. Go for the 200 if you can fit on the bike. Good luck.


Dec 30, 2000
well i can fit on the 200 really well but i heard they were hard to kick because ive sat on one but never kicked it and i dont really have the biggest legs in the world so i was wondering how hard they are to kick and i dont want to go with the 100 cause ive had and sold a one hundred cause it wasnt big enough so i want something bigger


Feb 25, 2001
I wold go wit the xr200 i have one and it is great. i race harescrambles with the big bikes (250's, 500's,yz 426's, big ktm's) and do very well on my xr200. its a great bike and i have even mastered the mx course at the local track and can keep up with the mx bikes. it can be jumped if u land the landings right. i dont want to talk about what happens if u dont land right. but i might hold off on buying a ktm 200 cuz this bike is so good in the tight trails for me.
the harescramble i race the most is very tight and hard with alot of technical stuff and steep hills. i usually get about 10th when i race out of 30 bikes and i always have the smallest bike there. suspention is good for the trails. and it does feel quite powerful after a few low cost modifications. i have raced other bikes like 125's and a 250 and i seriously like the xr better for the tight racing i do. brakes dont matter much where i race u usually just have them locked up or off not inbetween. overall the xr200 is a great bike to learn on and does have what it takes to race harescrambles and do some serious trail riding.just not mx


Jan 17, 2001
Yes, but were you thinking 2-stroke? It'll be a different ball game altogether. They are faster, but that doesn't mean YOU are going to go faster on one.
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